Awesome, awesome thread. Thanks everyone!
I just gave karma to oldtrees. Was that a good deed?
I lost nothing doing it. I had no particular selfish want or need to do it at the time but am now using it to ellicit a hopefully entertaining response.
Is the "useless" karma point now sullied?
If I go on and give a point to everyone then am I being really good? (economics! yay!)Double cross has less karma - When I click the + button next to his name theres no difference to me than when I gave it to oldtrees, but since it means more to him is the deed more righteous?
(Not meant to be about karma system - Make it a dollar bill if you want)
"There is a concept of "levels". If, on any given level the history has changed, such that it is not even true that it once happened, you can "go one level up" to a history where you see it happening, and then being erased.
If, something somehow changes that level, you go one level further up.
Thus, no matter how much history could be erased, it always will have happened."
This sounds cool but I don't understand it - could you explain it a little bit? (sorry, Im slow)
Unhelpful comments below!(seperate from the unhelpful comments above)"You even have a velocity in the 4th dimension although I do not know how to represent that with units. Maybe
1sec/sec?) "
lollers for philosophysics

If a person in a white void moves at 100km/hr..
Time has passed in the statement - thats a motion in a plane.. I thought?
Also, motion relative to the motile is 0
Also also, if the guy takes a leak and then moves away from the floating puddle then wouldn't some part of him definitely be moving? (same as if he waved his hand in front of his face?)
Colour blind guy is given two identical coats; one black, one white.
He notices that when he wears the white one on a sunny day he sweats less.
(Colour indirectly affecting CB guy - reflection of heat)
"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be"
Mommy, mommy! Daddy got drunk and slept with aunty Jude!
"Please know your science before trying and using it to shoot down someone's beliefs."
Lollers for giving a definition of science