Quote from: Naesala on Today at 09:14:42 AM<blockquote><blockquote>[size=78%]You have to factor in the times, daughters at the time were considered in some part to be property. I'm not saying it wouldn't -be- rape, I'm saying that it isn't considered rape to the same extent based on the beliefs and society of the time. Also, (and this may be because I havent read/heard the story in awhile) it doesnt say they WERE opposed anymore than the weren't, does it?[/size]</blockquote>
And yeah, the story is very strange and warped and difficult to interpret.
</blockquote><blockquote>Oh, I'm not saying that people at the time would have considered it rape. It was considered that there was no such thing as rape within marriage until very recently (I'm not at home so can't check, but IIRC this was enshrined in law in the UK until the 50s or 60s. Maybe even 70s). Nonetheless, it's still rape, regardless of what people at the time may have thought. And you have to remember that this is supposedly morality laid down by an omnipotent, omniscient being. That human sensibilities would change in the future shouldn't affect that whatsoever.</blockquote><blockquote>
</blockquote><blockquote>And, no, it doesn't say that the daughters were opposed, but I can't imagine that anybody would like to lose their virginity to a gang of violent rapists.</blockquote><blockquote>
</blockquote><blockquote>You'll have to forgive the formatting of this post, it's not my computer and I find that having javascript enabled on this site makes the quote functions utterly unworkable. I honestly have no idea how others manage it.</blockquote>