I had a reply, but I should probably be leaving that to the theists. Gotta remember my role in this thread

But then, you're also stepping out of your role, aren't you, patch? So here goes:
"begged him for some kind of proof...he doesn't want me to believe"
He was testing your faith, and of course god doesn't have those desires such as "want"ing, but whether or not he wants you to believe has nothing to do with whether or not you spend eternal damnation in hell.
You know, incidentally, that's also the reason why the Flying Spaghetti Monster has never given you any proof of his existence except for cryptic prophecies through Bobby Henderson.
Actually, when I was very little and I first heard about dinosaurs, I asked my mom why they weren't mentioned in the creation story. She didn't have an explanation, but I quickly came to the conclusion that fossils were a test of faith. I'm not unfamiliar with that perspective, but I don't find it compelling. It's a type of special pleading. Personally, I think if God were real, he would want me to see proof for myself. I find the concept of blind faith disturbing, and I can't imagine a benevolent God expecting it of His followers. And as I said to OldTrees already, I find Pascal's Gambit to be quite a despicable perversion of logic.
Basically, you try to shift the burden of proof onto the god and the side who believes in him, but how can you believe that he doesn't exist?
Basically, you try to shift the burden of proof to a negative, which is a perversion of basic logic. How can you believe that the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Zeus don't exist but the Christian God does? And how
dare you imply that I might go to Hell for not believing in your absurd superstition? That's on par with the belief of obsessive compulsives that their repetitive behaviors can protect their loved ones from dying.
Your argument is that you demand evidence.
Yes, I need evidence before I believe in something. If we start believing in things without evidence, what's to stop me from believing that I can fly? How can you believe that I can't shoot laser beams out of my eyes?
Unfortunately, that evidence cannot exist for the production of such evidence contradicts the existence of the god.
Of course evidence can exist for God. If my keyboard turned into cheese right now