so if im an absurdist what showld I become.
It depends upon your response to the absurd.
You could try to imagine a world view that doesn't believe in the absurd. So a similar situation to the agnostic should take.
so a world where I dont make up my own gods and care about things that dont really affect my life.
Ok, thats a tough one, but i'll try. i'll choose idiot path and be an atheist.
god don't exist because we have I have not seen him, also im intelligent and theist are stupid.
mmm also if a being of the myth of god existed he cant be within a stable body or form as he is god, he is present in all things on the universe 'cause if he's not he would be an incomplete being as us therefore not a god. and if god is the universe that means there really is not a god since we are the universe and we are not god, not our will is his. or something like that.