Organized religion serves one function that cannot be served without it. It uses oppressive fear tactics to keep people obedient. "Don't do this or you'll go to Hell and be tortured for eternity!" "Accept the Lord into your heart or face damnation!" "All that aside, remember God always loves you!"
Bullocks. Would a loving God bring us into this life only to damn us to Hell if we don't follow his every instruction? More than that, why give us free will only to say excessive exercise of it will lead to eternal torment? Most of all, would a loving God auto-damn every human on this planet who lives without ever hearing word one about Him?
No. No way. Technically this still leaves the possibility of a sadistic, hateful God, but what's the point of believing in that? If God is sadistic and hateful then his greatest laughs will come from watching the faithful obedient scream as they burn.
How many people follow their religion blindly, hollowly, with no feelings inside that faith may stand on? Personally, most theists I've known were so simply to not go to Hell. I've actually been asked "Is being atheist worth it when you might go to Hell? Why not just believe?"
Those who asked that never understood my answer: "You don't believe any more than I do. It's not that simple. I can't believe in something I don't feel. Not seeing is one thing, but to not feel the presence of a Lord within... I can't believe in a Lord who's presence and effect cannot be felt. I believe in the idea, just like you do, because the idea undeniably exists. But I don't believe in the fact, and no matter how often you say you do, you don't either."
To be clear, anyone with an experiential foundation for their faith is exempt from much of that reply.
Over the past year and a few months I have felt things beyond the physical. I have had spiritual - not religious, spiritual - experiences profound and clear enough for me to build a solid belief system upon. Most importantly, everything surrounding the central tenets of my belief system is flexible to accommodate for new experience.
Some say religion gives people hope. Gives them the strength to make it through each day. That's fantastic, and I would never take that away from someone. But religion is not necessary for that. Just look around you and what you see and feel and think is enough to build a vague spirituality upon, enough to give hope and strength.
If you don't quite see and feel it, I'll walk you through the basics.
Does free will exist? If it doesn't, there is no point to life. So we assume it does. Now, based on the action-reaction model of how things work, how can that allow for free will? It doesn't. Logically, there must be something beyond the physical at work here, allowing us to think and make decisions. I choose to refer to consciousness as God Energy in Action, though I by no means believe in a God consisting of a single, separate consciousness. Rather, God is how I refer to the collective Energies of the Universe and Beyond, from Thought Energies to the slower light and fire to the slowest, matter.
Now, look around you. Look at what mankind has accomplished. Truly, we have accomplished so much more than one ever considers on a regular basis. It's staggering how far we've come. Then look at nature; it's beautiful and intense and so vast and complex, and truly awe-inspiring. For all we know, there is even more we don't. We know more about space than about our own oceans and we don't even know if there's other life out there! (Though the theoretical odds say "Yes there is!")
This last part may not be for everybody, but it's how it started for me. Go be a sober raver for a night. Find a show where there's gonna be good DJs and a lot of people just dancing their asses off. Get right in the middle of them and listen to the music. Feel it. Let it move you without thinking about it, just give it control of your body. Look at the people around you and watch them dance and still don't think about how your own body is moving. Think about how you react to the music, and the people around you, and how they react to the music and to you, and think about how the DJ's energy reacts to the audience as a whole. Feel the influence, the energy, moving from the DJ into the audience, into you, back out into the audience and from them back to the DJ. Feel the energy of every living being in the room flowing and mixing together as everyone is feeling, sharing the same experience - giving themselves to the music and just dancing like time does not exist and the show is all there is.
I know the physical is not all there is. I have my beliefs about what came before and what comes after this mortal existence. I have hope and strength. Know what I don't have? Fear of Hell. The only Hell you'll ever find is the one you create by the power of your belief. Remember, your thoughts are God Energy in Action and that's some powerful stuff.
Anyway, I kinda got into rambling there. ^_^;