The moderators ban us Christains for sharing our thoughts and they leave you perfectly fine after you ridicule us to the maximum level. Here's the truth, and I'd like to see you say something to it. Your big bang is impossible. You know why? You guys don't believe in the supernatural, but we do. Take note of that. If your hypothosis is correct, you would need the big bang. But there can't be a big bang without something to go bang. And since you don't believe in the supernatural, there can't be some matter to be there if the big bang actually happened, so the big bang couldn't have happened. Now you may say: "Well, God came out of nowhere. You say he was always there!". Yes, we do say that. And since we believe in the supernatural, it is completely possible. There is no since in arguing with that logic. Unless you can say that your theory involves the supernatural, and everything came by supernatural forces, which makes no sense in your world view.
You may say that the earth is millions of years old, but that is not a true statement. Scientists have found oxygen in rocks. Over time, oxygen leaks out of rocks. If the earth was really millions of years old, all the oxygen in every rock would have been gone by now. And the scientists have figured out judging from the oxygen in the rocks that the earth is around 6,000 years old. Another fact that disproves millions of years, is how scientists have found blood cells in dinosaur bones, which you say lived millions of years ago. If the earth was millions of years ago, those blood cells wouldn't have been there.
And yet another thing that disproves evolution, is the fossil record. There have been no signs in the fossil record of animals that were evolving into other animals. You may say: "What about Lucy!?". Well, guess what. If you have actually seen the skeleton of Lucy, you would notice that tons of peices are missing. Hand bones aren't there, leg bones aren't there, most of the torso isn't there, and most of the skull is gone. If you have seen a model of Lucy, it shows a man with a monkey face and hair all over its body. From the fossil, you can't see his hands, his hair, this head, his legs, so how do you know that it's a man and ape mix? Thank you for listening, if you did.