Destiny, I think the person you offend the most with this thread is other Christians. Atheists just think youre stupid, and in all honesty, you havent given them a reason to think otherwise. I have seen several flaws in peoples posts, from your side, and the opposing, and yet, theres no point in even responding to them at this point, because pointing out those flaws wont point out the bigger flaw. Its great the you want to witness to people, but calling people stupid just makes you seem like a jerk. We are, as Christians, suppose to be slow to speak. Science hasn't disproven God, however, your attitude is all the reason in the world the people here need to not believe in God. That is the greatest flaw in your arguments. Would Jesus call people stupid? I dont think so. I have created/participated in several threads in this forum, however, the instant a thread turns to name calling, it is no longer a place we should be. It is even worse if we are the ones that resort to it.