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Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220664#msg220664
« on: December 10, 2010, 01:52:47 am »
The moderators ban us Christains for sharing our thoughts and they leave you perfectly fine after you ridicule us to the maximum level. Here's the truth, and I'd like to see you say something to it. Your big bang is impossible. You know why? You guys don't believe in the supernatural, but we do. Take note of that. If your hypothosis is correct, you would need the big bang. But there can't be a big bang without something to go bang. And since you don't believe in the supernatural, there can't be some matter to be there if the big bang actually happened, so the big bang couldn't have happened. Now you may say: "Well, God came out of nowhere. You say he was always there!". Yes, we do say that. And since we believe in the supernatural, it is completely possible. There is no since in arguing with that logic. Unless you can say that your theory involves the supernatural, and everything came by supernatural forces, which makes no sense in your world view.

You may say that the earth is millions of years old, but that is not a true statement. Scientists have found oxygen in rocks. Over time, oxygen leaks out of rocks. If the earth was really millions of years old, all the oxygen in every rock would have been gone by now. And the scientists have figured out judging from the oxygen in the rocks that the earth is around 6,000 years old. Another fact that disproves millions of years, is how scientists have found blood cells in dinosaur bones, which you say lived millions of years ago. If the earth was millions of years ago, those blood cells wouldn't have been there.

And yet another thing that disproves evolution, is the fossil record. There have been no signs in the fossil record of animals that were evolving into other animals. You may say: "What about Lucy!?". Well, guess what. If you have actually seen the skeleton of Lucy, you would notice that tons of peices are missing. Hand bones aren't there, leg bones aren't there, most of the torso isn't there, and most of the skull is gone. If you have seen a model of Lucy, it shows a man with a monkey face and hair all over its body. From the fossil, you can't see his hands, his hair, this head, his legs, so how do you know that it's a man and ape mix? Thank you for listening, if you did.

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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220669#msg220669
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 02:06:39 am »
ok fossils are real. look at half-life and carbon dating. and do you think maybe the reason they dont have all the bones from lucy is because after millions of years that *maybe* a few of them crumbled or decomposed?
[17:26:47] Iman00b8: Firestalls are like Jews... most people make fun of them and say this dislike 'em, but in the end they use them to make them money.


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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220675#msg220675
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 02:10:06 am »
I think that if we'll just stop responding, maybe, just maybe he'll stop posting.

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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220684#msg220684
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 02:14:45 am »
 I am a strong christian, but i still support scientific evidence when it has shown itself. All i say is do not speak for all christians, because some if not many will disagree.
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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220695#msg220695
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2010, 02:25:03 am »
I won't really respond to this too much. I prefer intellectual debate, not whatever you'd call what this is. (I know what to call it, but I'm trying to be nice :P)

The reason you think something must have created whatever it was that went "bang" in the big bang, is because you don't understand quantum mechanics. I myself don't fully grasp it, since it's a large field and I'm rather lazy, but it's been studied that quantum particles can spontaneous appear from no where. So in theory, in the beginning there was nothing. And from that nothing, thanks to quantum mechanics, the universe sprang forth. I haven't fully looked into the topic, just pulling from what I've seen and read through the years.

And just a small note here: It's religious people like you, Destiny, that help give religion a bad name. On the flip side, it's non-religious people, who are similar to you, that give everyone else a bad name as well.

Pro-tip: Try to be less like you.
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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220706#msg220706
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2010, 02:34:32 am »
May I ask you something?  When air "leaks out" of rocks, what replaces it?  A vaccuum?  Or is it possible that, by the laws of physics, more gas/air would replace it.

The 6,000 year thing is actually derived by an Irish Priest calculating the ages of all the "begats" from genesis.  Don't quote me on this, but I heard he later admitted the number was wrong.

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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220713#msg220713
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2010, 02:41:51 am »
May I ask you something?  When air "leaks out" of rocks, what replaces it?  A vaccuum?  Or is it possible that, by the laws of physics, more gas/air would replace it.
good point as an example of this when you pop a balloon, is there just a big balloon shaped vacuum of nothing in the air?
also, why would the blood cells be gone from dinosaur bones? is there any reason they would disappear?
[17:26:47] Iman00b8: Firestalls are like Jews... most people make fun of them and say this dislike 'em, but in the end they use them to make them money.

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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220716#msg220716
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2010, 02:44:51 am »
You do not understand why science limits itself the way it does nor do you understand that it is the science and not the scientists that are limited in this manner. I will try once again to bridge the gap between you and them.

On the misunderstanding
Imagine a suspicious death took place and you we in charge with finding out what occurred. There are many possible answers. They cannot be proved but some cannot be disproved(if wrong) and some can be disproved(if wrong). Which answers would be the best to investigate first?

Scientists answer the above question by saying "If we can't know if we are right I would at least like to be able to find out if we are wrong. That way we have a better chance at finding the right answer." To do this they test only answers that are disprovable(if wrong).

On your tone
Destiny, you might think you are doing a great service in trying to show the light to these people. However your method is one that gets people to hate you and refuse any message you associate yourself with (even if they previously agreed with you). If you cannot discuss this topic on a civil tone ready to weather the justified criticism then you might not be up to the task. As it is you are singlehandedly betraying your cause through your tone and to be frank ignorance of the topic. Your main point (is the scientific account accurate or is it silly) is an important point to discuss however do not be so blind as to assume that the amount of obviousness you witness is not paralleled on the other side. Unless your goal is to convert everyone to atheism, please either calm down and be civil or shut up until you can.
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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220725#msg220725
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2010, 02:57:08 am »
Let's compromise: The Big Bang created God/ God clapped his hands, and a Big Bang happened.


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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220741#msg220741
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2010, 03:21:43 am »
On your tone
Destiny, you might think you are doing a great service in trying to show the light to these people. However your method is one that gets people to hate you and refuse any message you associate yourself with (even if they previously agreed with you). If you cannot discuss this topic on a civil tone ready to weather the justified criticism then you might not be up to the task. As it is you are singlehandedly betraying your cause through your tone and to be frank ignorance of the topic. Your main point (is the scientific account accurate or is it silly) is an important point to discuss however do not be so blind as to assume that the amount of obviousness you witness is not paralleled on the other side. Unless your goal is to convert everyone to atheism, please either calm down and be civil or shut up until you can.

It's hard to tell tone when you're looking at words. It's hard to be ignorant when there are lives to save. And yet you treat me like vermin when I try to save you. Even if you think I'm wrong, I trust you should treat me better. I am trying to save you. And yet, I know what you're thinking. "You should treat us evolutionists better!". Well, you are not trying to save me. In fact, evolution gives no hope of a better life. You believe in a death and a curse.

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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220744#msg220744
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2010, 03:26:06 am »
It's hard to tell tone when you're looking at words. It's hard to be ignorant when there are lives to save. And yet you treat me like vermin when I try to save you. Even if you think I'm wrong, I trust you should treat me better. I am trying to save you. And yet, I know what you're thinking. "You should treat us evolutionists better!". Well, you are not trying to save me. In fact, evolution gives no hope of a better life. You believe in a death and a curse.
So basically, without you, we go to hell. Since us "Evolutionists" beleive in death, i suppose death is better than hell :P also, explain this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppered_moth_evolution have fun disproving evolution now. and telling people they will go to hell isnt really helping your tone
[17:26:47] Iman00b8: Firestalls are like Jews... most people make fun of them and say this dislike 'em, but in the end they use them to make them money.

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Re: Now here's something I don't get. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17342.msg220749#msg220749
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2010, 03:37:10 am »
On your tone
Destiny, you might think you are doing a great service in trying to show the light to these people. However your method is one that gets people to hate you and refuse any message you associate yourself with (even if they previously agreed with you). If you cannot discuss this topic on a civil tone ready to weather the justified criticism then you might not be up to the task. As it is you are singlehandedly betraying your cause through your tone and to be frank ignorance of the topic. Your main point (is the scientific account accurate or is it silly) is an important point to discuss however do not be so blind as to assume that the amount of obviousness you witness is not paralleled on the other side. Unless your goal is to convert everyone to atheism, please either calm down and be civil or shut up until you can.

It's hard to tell tone when you're looking at words. It's hard to be ignorant when there are lives to save. And yet you treat me like vermin when I try to save you. Even if you think I'm wrong, I trust you should treat me better. I am trying to save you. And yet, I know what you're thinking. "You should treat us evolutionists better!". Well, you are not trying to save me. In fact, evolution gives no hope of a better life. You believe in a death and a curse.
It is hard to tell intended tone from words. However precieved tone is what is of interest to you. I was communicating what is no doubt apparent to you that the words you are choosing elicit an abnormally negative response.
Trying to save lives is no excuse for ignorance especially when that ignorance prevents you from saving lives or even damns them.
I am advising you on how to stop betraying your cause. I am not treating you as vermin. Furthermore I have never claimed to be an atheist. (although I am a scientist)
"Even if you think I'm wrong, I trust you should treat me better." Ditto. I am trying to help you. (Hmm funny how that mirrors your intent?)
How do you know they are not trying to save you? Science does not prescribe any moral dogma. Each scientist, like everyone else, has to discover what they believe is right and wrong. You and some scientists believe Christianity. Others believe other various religions. Those that do not hold religious beliefs certainly have Normative Moral theories born out of Philosophy.
In fact I happen to be trying to save you right now by opening your mind to the possibility that you can be wrong so that you can see the world with more clarity and thus be more persuasive.
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"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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