You can say I shouldn't believe in God.
But I won't say that. You believe in whatever you want to believe. I won't force my beliefs on you.
What you don't understand is that the problem arises when you force your beliefs on me, not the other way around. Stop trying to convert us atheists, and we'll be fine.
I am not trying to convince YOU that God exists.
If that is so then why make the thread in the first place?
In my opinion, God might exist because:
1. There must be a beginning to everything.
2. While science consistently prove that religions are flawed, e.g. earth as the center of the universe, theory of evolution, etc, it just simply prove that all religions are corrupted by mankind, and doesn't prove that God doesn't exist.
What I know for sure:
Religious institution are total bs. The higher ups are mostly false prophets. Scriptures, like the bible had been to corrupted over time to even take it literally. How can I prove that? Simple, because men are sinful. Think of it this way, there are good individuals, but there are NO good organizations (government, religion, church bodies, etc since they are always get infiltrated by immoral power-hungry abominations).
Most people end up becoming atheist simply because they realize all religions are total crap, however have no way to prove that God doesn't exist.