The obvious fail in the quantum theory argument is that it really cant be tested... if it is testable, then forgive me
However, if it cant be tested, I thought it was unscientific. Or is it God that is just unscientific? Once again, ignore this if it actually can be tested.
The current Standard Model of physics, which incorporates quantum theory, has passed every test it has been given to. You think scientists will believe in this stuff without testing it? No offense, but they're not like some of the religious people.
I was talking more of the edge of the universe thing more than anything. Thats more of bad wording on my part more than anything though. And honestly, yes, i believe there are a lot of "scientists" that are just scientists because they are trying to become an intellectually fulfilled atheist, and will jump at any chance they get. No, I am not assuming you or daxx are, however, at the same time, I like double checking everything to make sure.
and as I have obviously not studied quantum physics myself, I thought I made it clear that I honestly wasnt sure if there was evidence, or if it was just a guess at how the edge of the world is.