The nature of a thing determines its goal, because when something is good, it has perfected its nature. Is a screwdriver that can't screw anything good? No, because its nature is not perfected.
A screwdriver is made to screw screws, correct? So when a screwdriver can't do that, it isn't a good screwdriver.
Humans do not create the goal, we discover the goal that is inherent in the thing itself, regardless of our opinion about it.
That depends. You're telling me that the Screwdriver is not good if it can't drive screws, 'cause that's it's nature.
But then again, that's -not- it's nature if I clearly made and placed the Screwdriver to mess with people. Each individual sets a different nature to an object, as the object can serve for diverse purposes and people don't think the same. It only has a nature because You set a nature to it. If the nature I want is to make it so the Screwdriver is merely for aesthetic purposes and to be displayed at the top of my table to mess with people and never drive any screws...
I'd say it's a pretty good Screwdriver. After all, it's doing exactly what I wanted. It's following my definition of nature for it.
That's the only problem I had with your post. As much as it may seem that we don't create the goal inherent in the thing itself, we do shape the goal that we're pursuing. Because we're flexible. As long as the item is doing what You want, the nature You placed for it, it's serving it's purpose regardless of what other people think.
But, following the logic of Nature and that everything has it's own inherent, unchangeable nature, we shouldn't even be talking about Nature in here, should we? Because the defined Nature of the Religion Section of a forum is to discuss Religion.
Unless it has a different Nature to you..? In which case everything you said would be a contradiction.
Back to the stalkin' of the thread.