Beings or entities that could be seen as gods, or God could exist as well. There is just as much of a chance of a being that came to earth a long time ago and started the human race based off of their own race. Maybe we are the result of random experiments they did on their own race and were found to be vastly inferior and left on this giant ball of rock and water, almost in exile. In a sense, that original being that placed us here would be equivalent to God.
Or maybe there exists out there hovering over us all in an invisible dimension that we cannot observe, melllvar is there as God, creating us, guiding us, punishing us, etc.
Science fiction is a wonderful genre(Star Trek in particular) that shows just how infinite things could possibly be. We know so little and will always know so little when compared to what does, or can exist. I believe, unless God, gods, goddesses, deities, entities, whathaveyou, reveal themselves to us, we will never know them. Unless we run into one randomly through our space exploration days(if we even make it to that point in our lifespan as a species) similar to how they do on Star Trek XP
But really, being unable to prove God's existence(or any other god, gods, goddess, or goddesses) is all apart of their essence, and the essence of the religion behind them. Faith isn't about science, and science isn't about faith. Using one to prove or disprove the other is a pointless battle that will never cease to exist. It's like trying to make the color white on a black piece of paper with black paint. It's just not gonna happen.
I'm not religious. But I keep my mind open as much as I possibly can which makes religion an easy and fun topic to discuss. I don't denounce God, gods, goddesses, deities, whatever, I don't really even say He or any of them don't exist. I keep myself more on probability of what we've seen. he, or them, could exist. Probability supports that with an infinite amount of time, such a being is bound to exist eventually. But there are so many possiblities it makes us, as humans, unable to conceive every possibility. We have to limit ourselves, or else nothing would get done because we'd be doing nothing but imagining and not physically doing anything. God might or might not exist. It's like a Schrodinger's Cat. Only in this case, it's a box we are currently unable to open.
My only point to this topic is to make the point that it is ridiculous to say "there is no god" or even go specific and say "There is no Muslim/Christian/Jewish God" With as little as we know, it is ridiculous to make such assertions. Saying "there is not currently any evidence" would be fine, however, making the statement that he doesnt, is absurd.
"There is no god." I find is just as ridiculous as "There is a god." Both are definitive statements that given the infinite amount of knowledge, it's currently, and for the foreseeable future, impossible to know which statement is true. Maybe they both are, or neither. Probability and possibility are funny things.