Some sects of Islam treat the world Allah made as a system with many tappings and workings that they can use and exploit, just like science, but that's besides the point; I was just told that somewhere, after all.
Can you name any of these sects?
Just because science may or may not be slightly more accurate than other religions does not stop it from being one.
Well, it
is more accurate, and by many orders of magnitude. The modern scientific method has been as it is for 150 years. Look at how much the world has changed because of it in that time. Look at how much more we know. Look at, as I said above, the fact that we can create satnavs - something that would be utterly unthinkable to people of 150 years ago.
Then look at the 200,000 years prior to that and how far the human race advanced in that time.
There really is no contest when it comes to which model better describes the world around us.
Just because the end result of science is different than other religions, doesn't mean it can't start in the same way.
The end result is that there
is a result. I'm typing this message on a computer. Science works.
Again, the difference between science and a religion is that you need faith in order to believe in a religion. Science is transparent, replicable, falsifiable, and the results of it are all around us and, as such, requires no faith.
Is it flawless? No. Could the process of advancing science be improved? Yes. Can everybody understand every scientific result without years of education? No.
But the scientific method itself
works. Demonstrably so. 80 years ago there was no such thing as an electronic computer. Now almost everybody in the Western world owns one they can hold in the palm of their hand.
You do not need to have faith in science, because it clearly, obviously, demonstrably,
works. And nobody who is communicating over the internet can deny that.