3. No. Perfection does not exist.
Tell your girlfriend or wife that some day. Might as well tell her she's fat and getting wrinkles while you are at it, same effect.
When my stargazer lillies bloom, I consider that pretty much perfection. They are truly beautiful.
Beauty is not perfection. And, much as I would like to fantasize about, if I do get a girlfriend in the future, she's most certainly not going to be perfect. If I were to say something really cheesy, I would say that she's equal to the limit as one approaches perfection, but even that is a lie. And both me and my future girlfriend will be smart enough to realize it.
Perfection is infinity. Its very nature indicates that it cannot be reached by us finite beings. One of the reasons I don't like Christianity is that it "humanizes" God a bit too much, but I suppose as a human-made religion that cannot be avoided.
i believe i can answer the limitation question. as the captain of the research and development squad in bleach once roughly said: to achieve perfection is to achieve absolute boredom. once you are perfect, what is left to strive for? nothing, you have everything and therefor have no more reason to live.
What he said was that perfection is despair. But Buddhism seems to state otherwise; it says that perfection is contentment, meaning that you want nothing and is perfectly happy with everything. There, that's slightly more optimistic.