Well, it seems I have gotten a couple of answers, so I guess I'll go on.
I know that the generally accepted(in the christian world) view of God is that perfect, and that he is love.
I think that we would all agree that if someone was extremely selfish, that they were pretty far from perfect.
Well, God is extremely selfish. He put humanity through so much pain and suffering, (yes, he put humanity through that, He gave people the choice and made people in the way that they would choose un-perfectness. he could have made people differently, but he didn't. that is, assuming he exists. but that's not what we're talking about here.) and the only reason I can think of for putting humans through so much is so that he would feel better about the ones that came to him regardless of all the obstacles. I would say that's extremely selfish, and I for one am not the biggest fan of someone who would put me through all this just for his own personal gain. Not because my life sucks, but because the God that it seems people think he is could've made me to where I was perfect.
So, he defines love? Well if I remember correctly, people defined love in what is now known as 'The Love Chapter'. In there it says that love is not selfish. and yet God is. As close as I can figure, God is a lot more like us than we think. (assuming he exists, of course.)