You say there was no global flood. How to you explain the fossils far above sea level?
You are a funny man. If you believe fossil records actually support the global flood, you did not think about a coherent explanation, or a system, if you will. Your question is vague.
Answer 1:) Many land animals died far above sea level.
Answer 2:) Now on a bit more serious a note, I shall assume you meant the sea animal fossils found on what is land today. The answer is: This land was flooded by the sea at the time, or a sea animal was transported to land somehow, though this would be rare. This can apply to mountains, if they had not been formed when the fossil was created.
Let me say there is absolutely no coherent evidence for a global flood! Think with me now, but now, systematically.
1) Marine life is far easier to fossilize than land life.
2) In a global flood marine life does not have to die.
3) In a global flood most land life would die.
Show me this fossil layer in which most land life died, but not the marine life. You cannot demonstrate this layer is there, because it isn't. You don't even have an idea when this flood was supposed to have taken place. 100 million years ago? 200? 300? Give me any time frame and I willl explain it is impossible.