ID states that god created all living things, evolution states that we evolved from other organisms.
i just dont see whats so hard to understand about that! evolution states that we STARTED OUT as bacterium and evolved into us. ID states that we were "poofed" into existance at around 6000 years ago i believe, i might be wrong about the timing though. i just CANNOT think of any reason why and how you think that they can co-exist!
well, i know WHY; you want to have some proof of real things, while still having an almighty diety.
(underlined section) This is not what Intelligent Design states. You've mashed together some elements from ID, Bishop Usher's work on the age of the universe (which only a small subset of Christians believe), and a long outdated spontaneous generation hypothesis.
I've already provided an explanation of what ID does and does not state twice, I see no reason to repeat myself.
According to the actual definition of ID there is no conflict.
The initial dispute around Design versus Evolution came to be when Darwin first proposed natural selection and a church official said something along the lines of "wait, why would things need to evolve? Wouldn't God have made things perfect to begin with?"
The mistake that the church official made (I'm not sure who the official was) was in assuming that the perfect form (for God's purposes, not ours. No comments on imperfections in the human body please) would be static. Doesn't it make more sense that a perfect form should be able to adapt to changing circumstances?