Situation 2)
Some chemical goes into my body that makes it so that I have fins, and can breathe underwater
The enviroment effected me.
Are you telling me you believe that something the lizard ate/came in contact with made it grow a new internal structure? A new internal structure I might add that is encoded in it's DNA and able to pass onto its offspring?
Yes, you are right, I do like attacking evolution. Is it because I think it is an "ungodly secular viewpoint", no, however, no one on here has been able to give reasonable evidence that it can be taught as a fact in schools. That is where my problem is.
If you cant teach it how it really happened, then dont teach it. Otherwise, for all we know, we will grow up and find out that what we thought was a fact, was nothing more than little evidence blown out of proportion.
Im not claiming to have all the answers to the beginning of the world, however, it is wrong to do such a thing when all you have is guesses as to what could happen.
I dont even talk about the big dud theory unless brought up first, and this is about mainly biological evolution and intelligent design. Which the origin of life would fall into.
Ill admit. The theory of evolution is not perfect. It does not explain EVERYTHING. But, it is the best understanding when have to date about how life became diversified and is currently becoming more diversified. Now lets think about why there is so much money going into the research of evolution. It is because we can actually USE the information and predictions of evolution to affect our lives.
-Bioinformatics, a multi-billion-dollar industry, consists largely of the comparison of genetic sequences. Descent with modification is one of its most basic assumptions.
-Diseases and pests evolve resistance to the drugs and pesticides we use against them. Evolutionary theory is used in the field of resistance management in both medicine and agriculture.
-Artificial selection has been used since prehistory, but it has become much more efficient with the addition of quantitative trait locus mapping.
Knowledge of the evolution of parasite virulence in human populations can help guide public health policy.
-Sex allocation theory, based on evolution theory, was used to predict conditions under which the highly endangered kakapo bird would produce more female offspring, which retrieved it from the brink of extinction
-Phylogenetic analysis, which uses the evolutionary principle of common descent, has proven its usefulness. Tracing genes of known function and comparing how they are related to unknown genes helps one to predict unknown gene function, which is foundational for drug discovery
-Directed evolution allows the "breeding" of molecules or molecular pathways to create or enhance products, including: enzymes, pigments antibiotics, flavors, biopolymers, bacterial strains to decompose hazardous materials.
-The evolutionary principles of natural selection, variation, and recombination are the basis for genetic algorithms, an engineering technique that has many practical applications, including aerospace engineering, architecture, astrophysics, data mining, drug discovery and design, electrical engineering, finance, geophysics, materials engineering, military strategy, pattern recognition, robotics, scheduling, and systems engineering.
-Many statistical techniques, including analysis of variance and linear regression, were developed by evolutionary biologists, especially Ronald Fisher and Karl Pearson. These statistical techniques have much wider application today.
Good science need not have any application beyond satisfying curiosity. Much of astronomy, geology, paleontology, natural history, and other sciences have no practical application. For many people, knowledge is a worthy end in itself. Science with little or no application now may find application in the future, especially as the field matures and our knowledge of it becomes more complete. Practical applications are often built upon ideas that did not look applicable originally. Furthermore, advances in one area of science can help illuminate other areas. Evolution provides a framework for biology, a framework which can support other useful biological advances.
Anti-evolutionary ideas have been around for millennia and have not yet contributed anything with any practical application. Could you explain that? I think I know what you mean by it, but im not quite sure.
Evolutionists the world over are unanimous in their agreement that complex structures did not arise by chance. The theory of evolution does not say they did. The novel aspect that Darwin proposed is natural selection. Selection is the very opposite of chance.
Now, your turn BluePriest. Intelligent design. First, I need to know what type of creationist you are, so I know where I can start my questions.
Earth 6000 years old or Earth 4.54 Billion years old?
God created each "kind" of animal as is or god guided evolution?
Noahs arc or unified theory of geology?
Can you account for your claims without citing the bible as evidence, using faith, or not turning the tables and saying evolution is wrong so ID must be right?