@ratcharmer: umm i didnt see any models, but i might have skipped a page . okay, the part about the god coming back was a joke, NOT THE WHOLE FRIGGIN THING! i never cited any evidence, i simply stated that ID(as we know it) cannot co-exist, unless you want to admit that god doesnt exist. why cant god exist? because evolution is natural selection, NATURAL, not artificial, god making them evolve, is ARTIFICIAL selection. what? you ask why evolution cannot also bend a little? because if it DOES then it ceaces to be "evolution".
I have underlined the part that makes you wrong. You can't simply state something and assume that's proof.
A model is a term used for how a person is envisioning things. Thus your model is how you describe the way God, intelligent design and evolution interact.
As to your "why can't god exist" line of reasoning . . . you clearly misunderstand either evolution, intelligent design, God, or some combination of the three, because that reasoning really doesn't follow even remotely.
I stated previously, evolution tells us in what manner organisms change over time, whereas intelligent design deals with how life began in the first place. The two do not overlap.
As to the natural versus artificial argument, according to most theistic religions God (or gods) created the natural world, knowing everything about it and all of the consequences each detail would have, thus your distinction between natural and artificial here is completely irrelevant to most religions.
On a closing note I give you the definition of laced, from dictionary.com
To add or intersperse with something in order to produce a certain effect: "Quacks now lace their pitch with scientific terms that may sound authentic to the uninformed"