I'm not sure this is in the right section, but here you go:
Well, I guess I've been thinking about myself, and I've decided that everyone has 3 main innate points that forms their perspective.
First is personality, the most prominent one. This is basically the part of you that decides what you are actually doing every moment of the day. You can almost think of it as your program that decides how you act in many different situations. It's the thing that defines who you are and what you do. In my case, my most outstanding personality points are "Things just happen" "Acceptance" "Drifting" and "I don't have to be a part of it".
Next is your logic. This basically means the thought process that everyone goes through when they think about stuff. It's the part of them that decides what things are and what things should be. For example, according to my logic, This is a thread about what we believe, because the title says so, and it matches up with my previous experiences. Some people may have a slightly different sense of logic that decides that this thread is purely for spam, or that this is where you post pictures of yourself, but my thinking has decided that this is a thread to post the kind of things that I believe in. Logic is a bit harder to describe than personality, but "This doesn't make sense, why not?" can sum up my sense of logic.
Finally you have your imagination. This is your creativity, your source of ideas, it's what decides what things can be and what you want things to be like. This the the part of you that says what you want to do in the future, and the part of you that decides the "if" in your life, that creates your ideals. Everyone arrives at a different point when you are given the ability to do ANYTHING, and that destination represents your imagination. My imagination is particularly centered around freedom, which is part of the reason that Air is my favourite element.
I think that everyone spends their lives thinking "through" these perspective points and these form their point of view and identity. What about you?