Sorry this took so long. I haven't had much time

The time of Joseph and Mary travelling to Bethlehem would be a nice one to mention. Even taking in all statements made from the Bible to get an idea of when it happened; the timeline just doesn't allow for it to be near the same time as Jesus' supposed birth. It does fit the Messiah prophecy that way, though. Hint. Hint.
I'll say it again: Jesus WASN'T born on December 25th. That's an arbitrary date the Church made up to get pagans to convert.
Next to that, the circumstancial evidence against the Bible is staggering, and you know that as well as anyone who's debated religion. Dinosaurs would be a popular example.
I'm not a fundamentalist, and I actually believe that dinosaurs DID exist. God created them too. I see the story of creation as figurative.
But you can't make a case out of just circumstantial evidence.
And you'd be surprised at the amount of fundamentalist still in this world. There's still people protesting against Spongebob because it offends Christianity.
Okay. Not where I live

Oh sure, you can say you believe in the Zeitgeist. It can be your new religion! Just don't go masquerading it as fact. I'm not masquerading Christianity as fact, just that I believe it is.
Not my point. My point is that the author(s) of the Bible never used any valid references either. Yet you take it as fact, while by the same logic, you denounce something else. See what I'm trying to say?
Yes, but you don't seem to understand my view.
For the purpose of the debate, I'm going to assume Christianity and other religions have flaws like you say they do.
Zeitgeist has flaws.
Christianity has flaws.
Islam has flaws.
Judaism has flaws.
So Zeitgeist is more akin to a religion than a documentary, since no documentary I know of has flaws.
Now, do people believe in both Christianity and Islam? Are they a hypocrite if they only believe one? No. They just don't believe in one and believe in the other. That's what I'm saying.
You can believe in Zeitgeist, but it's basically a religion unto itself, albeit a religion with no God.
The valid points are found in that he sums up a lot of Gods, or prophets, that have similarities to Jesus. I know these aren't all true (in fact, some of them are complete bogus in that movie), but you'll find that religions from all over the world, quite a few predating Christianity, have similar elements. Combine that with other, pagan influences (the Ark of Noah), political ones (the number '666' as a reference to Nero), and parts of the astrology references mentioned in Zeitgeist, and you may see why I consider it to have a core of truth somewhere.
The astrology references revolve around using Jesus as an allegory for the sun, since he is the son of God.
This pun (and that's all it is) works in English. But not in Hebrew, not in Latin, nor Italian. Jesus really isn't symbolic of the sun.
12. A big number in the Bible. So is 40, but you don't see him mention 40 anywhere. The truth is, he picks out a few similarities and builds his entire case on those, ignoring the other 90% of the Bible that doesn't work. There may indeed be few (and those are stretchs, to say the least) parallels between the Bible and astrology, but there is MUCH MUCH more that doesn't parallel. The parallels are simply coincidences created from similar societies. you don't feel like reading, here we go:
Pagan parallels with the Jesus story are pretty stupid. The writers of the New Testament were all Jews that shunned pagans; why would they borrow from them? Most of Jesus' main actions are foretold in the Old Testament, so really the Bible doesn't even need to copy pagan religions.
Anyway, here's the gods he uses. And my response.
Horus: Completely bogus
Attis: Virgin birth? Yes. But not really. Kinda. Maybe. I guess you could spin it that way. Rest? No. Castrated himself, not crucified. Wasn't resurrected. Completely bogus
Dionysus: Father: Zeus Mother: Mortal woman. No virgin birth. At least not in the way Jesus was. Born Dec. 25th? Cite that please. I couldn't find it. Miracles? Of course; he is, after all, a god himself. Gods preform miracles. Not a man, not the son of God (the son of Zeus maybe, but in Greek mythology that made him a god too; just a lesser one). Jesus turned water into wine partly to make him seem superior to Dionysus. Resurrected? He never died...
Mithra: ...Why am I even doing this? Screw it. I know nothing about Mithra. Go look at the link at the top.
Orion's Belt: Jesus wasn't born Dec. 25th. Get over it.