"He is unwilling that ANY should perish"
See, there you immediately get into the big logical tangle of omnipotence vs. omnibenevolence. You really can't have both; you either have to curtail the benevolence and say "well, He wants us to CHOOSE to live forever (by following His laws and having faith in His son) and he CHOOSES not to force us to do so (because free will is more important to him than our living forever -- which is a failure of omnibenevolence)" -- or you have to curtail the omnipotence and say "well, He wants us to live forever, but our free will gets in the way and we CHOOSE not to (which is a failure of omnipotence)".
If God is unwilling that any should perish, than none should perish. That's pretty much the definition of "God wills it."
Fiat lux and all that, right?