I'm quite sure you're American.
Are you racist against Americans, or something? XD. Just because I'm American doesn't mean there's a lot of fundamentalists where I live. In my area, I know NOBODY who is a fundamentalist.
People don't kill eachother over documentaries.
In an ideal world, people don't kill each other over religions either.
Zeitgeist doesn't determine the way I live,doesn't set my goals in life, doesn't determine my morals and doesn't give me a free excuse to go around judging people. Your idea of a 'relgigion' is way off, I'm afraid.
relgigion. lol.
Anyway, where do you get the idea that Christians "judge" people? Sure, some do, but that's just a stereotype that isn't supposed to be true. Does it set my goals in life? In a way, yes. But ideally, your goal should be to help the needy and live a good life anyway. Does it determine my morals? I guess. Sure, I don't murder people, but I probably wouldn't do that anyway. (But yes, there are certain (good) morals that I follow in the Bible).
Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Zeitgeist belief: Jesus didn't exist (can't be proven)
Zeitgeist purpose of universe: To live this life then nothing
As creation... No, but well, that's "especially" so doesn't have to be true.
Usually involving devotionals... "Usually"
Often containing a moral code... "Often"
Zeitgeist could be a religion. A very very unorthodox one, but hey, whatever.
Yeah. No. The pun used in that movie doesn't stop Jesus from having a lot in common with religions of sun worship.
Yes it does. If Jesus isn't symbolic of the sun, then how can you make any more links? If the two basic things of the religions, Jesus and the sun, aren't equal, then how can you think the 12 disciples are symbolic of the zodiac?
Yet the other parts do not disprove it.What was that about not being able to make a case out of circumstantial evidence again?
Am I making a case out of circumstantial evidence? I'm just saying that even if there are limited similarities, the vast majority is different. It's like saying that because x=y, then (ax*j+c-p)/u = cd+f-q/(z-ey).
1. The writers of the Bible are completely unknown. The only thing you could use to conclude who they were, is the Bible itself. Doesn't work that way.
Given the context of the time period and the time of the original documents that make up the Bible, biblical scholars (historians of a kind) can indeed decipher the likely authors. They don't just use the Bible, they use history and archeology among other categories as well.
http://www.gotquestions.org/bible-authors.htmlThe agreed authors ^.
2. Jesus main actions being 'foretold' is an absolute rubbish idea as well. If I write a novel in which something similar is 'foretold' in the first few pages, and it happens in the last, does this make my novel a work of prophecy to be worshipped?
No, what makes God worth worshiping is that he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and that he is just and merciful. Not that it was foretold.
That allegory doesn't work anyway, since the Biblical authors were different from different time periods. Definitely not the same author.
And yet Egyptian religion has a lot of similar stories.
And yet Horus, which is the specific god Zeitgeist mentions, doesn't. The film creator lied.
When you look at Egyptian religion as a whole, it really has no parallels with the Bible. Goes back to that whole x=y, then (ax*j+c-p)/u = cd+f-q/(z-ey) thing. Just a few obscure similarities doesn't make an argument.
Krishna; tested by the 'demon'. The coming of his kingdom was foretold by the stars, and people looked unto him to bring salvation.
Jesus' kingdom was foretold by God, not the stars. Can you cite the rest of it? Since I can't find him being tested by the demon. I can find him saving some maidens from a demon, but not being tested in the way Jesus was by one. People looked unto him to bring salvation? Can't find that either; they saw him as a great hero and later worshiped him along with the other gods, but not as God's son come to earth to save humans from their sins.
You're trying to say that Jesus did not perform miracles now?
No, I'm saying that EVERY God performs miracles, so that being a similarity doesn't really work.