I decided to make a new one...the other one is already long enough^^
@Polka: And actually i have sth. to write too...quite urgently actually.

i completely agree that i should have finished that before coming here...

But i will start with BP first:
Imo, the word "believe" already disqualifies for any kind of discussion on a scientific level about the existence of god...
1) Belief is always subjective (as BP pointed out really well in his first post here, imo). Faith does not need any proof, as you cant prove the spiritual.
2) Whereas science values objectiveness above all. Subjective perceptions are not accepted as objective enough.
Just an fyi....
Whenever I see theory from a scientific standpoint, I dont see it as any more than a belief. My beliefs are collections of things I have experienced first hand. Have also looked into, and looked at from many different angles. The Facts are one thing, but I dont buy the bullcrap of a theory being higher than a fact. It is a collection of facts, but an assumption is made from that collection. Assumptions may or may not be true. And they certainly arent higher than a fact.
If I say 1,2,3 what do you think comes next? 4 is what 99% of people will say. What if I told you 5 comes next though? You see 1,2,3 and assume I am counting based on the fact that I said 3 successive numbers, however, in reality, I am adding. 1,2,3,5,8,13 ect I know that is just using 1 fact, and not a collection of facts, but its just meant to illustrate my point.
Just take a look at Poppers theories below. Though i reduced it to a very simple concept (not sure though if i translated them right^^), it might help to agree on the concept of scientific theories...i think we both agree that a theory without any kind of confirmation, can simply be dropped as useless.
The problem of personal experiences as a fact, is, that its personal...not to be validated by objective (meaning measurable) means.
In my sociology and psychology classes both put much emphasis on proving that they are actual sciences with reliable data...but they still have a much harder time proving their theories as nature science, imo.
And i might clear one possible misconception: I dont want to claim that scientific theories are superior to belief, but simply they are different!
Concerning your link to the disagreement on Radiometric dating: Its late here and i just read through the articles once...while i have absolutely no problem with admitting that suggesting a radiometric dating isnt foolproof, i do have a problem with the argumentation of that article in three ways:
1) I really wonder if this argumentation about different results of radiometric dating could be used consistently? From what i have in that article, there is the Grand Canyon where some samples cause different results with different methods...what about the other thousands of datings where the results where fitting?
2) The article attacks the assumptions of radiometric dating.
a) The concentration of potassium was different in the past, so reference charts might off. -> Sure, that could be. But as radioactive decays are exponential, even some major differences would change the results even close to the bible
b) you are aware that attacking assumption 2: the speed of radioactive decay has changed would mean that the laws of physics had changed during the last...whatsoever years? Afaik, giving the choice to to assume natures laws changed a lot and accepting the assumption that these rocks are actually that old...you know what i choose

3) You might have seen this one coming: again, the article denies the scientific results and offering only one alternative: the bible. see above and below for my opnion about this method of offering evidence.
So now for Polka...take your time answering, i will off...need to hit the sack and will try to avoid looking here before i have finshed my thesis

I just made a small collection:
The Bible does not say how old the earth is, it merely says that creation took six days.
Our interactions and social customs /demand/ our morality, and thus the creation of moral law.
I am not the one who decided why one God, it just is.
...when I myself didn’t have any evidence for his existence.
What evidence have you of evolutions existance?
I, personally, have never felt the instinct to preserve "the species", have you?
What evidence that the earth is Billions of years old? I have seen none.
It might be a good restart of this discussion, if we could agree on the meaning of “evidence” and “proof”. Cause right, were runinng in circles...you demand evidence by the others, they demand you giving evidence...and so on.
One of the main problems here is imho, that both parties here have apparently different conception of evidence, proof and truth...or rather the source of them.
@Polka: I just picked out some of words. Please correct me if im wrong, but i came to the conclusion that your own experiences, the logic you use and the bible are major sources of evidence?
Whereas I (and probably quite some people around here) wont accept the bible and personal experiences as reliable sources of evidence. I
in the “truth” of science. There is evidence/proof if something can be tested/evaluated on are repeatedly large scale.
But as you wont accept our “data” as you havent seen/experienced it...hard to agree on sth.??
Truth does not come in shades of gray. Either something is true or it is not.
I disagree and this conception of truth of yours might be another reason why were casting glass beads at each other (i really like that metaphor)

Imho, History of science has plenty of examples, were man thought the knew the truth about something...e.g. the earth being the center of the universe with the sun circling the earth. Or early chemist being convinced that the elements contained “phlogiston” (the fire essence) leaves elements when burned...it took centuries of discussion and research, but in the end the former “truth” had been proven WRONG!
I think it was Popper at the beginning 20th century, who choose a good path for “truth” in science...he claimed that a scientific therory is true, as long not proven wrong (well, much more sophisticated...but thats the bottom line, iirc).
Furthermore, a thing could only be called a “theory” if:
a) there was some reference point to it
b) there was a reproducable method to explore and support the theory by experiments
c) if there was a way to disprove the theory
Unfortunately, most of your arguments dont follow these set of rules. Theres nothing wrong with that...but we simply argue on based on different...hmmm...late, cant find the word for it^^
E.g. you claim that sth. simply is like you said (like “God just is”) -> fails rule C...as belief will alway do...
If it's my job to explain why God exists and atheists shouldn't have to explain why he doesn't, then certainly it's your job to explain why natural selection exists and why it's not my job to explain why it doesn't (though I believe I could do it).
Or ask people stuff like: prove WHY there is evolution -> why doesnt matter, Evolution fits all three rules
Concerning ID vs. Evolution: I will happily read all your “evidence” concerning ID. Ill enjoy that, honestly.
Please keep in mind: Your evidence should
a) have a method to explore the validity of ID: so how do you actually prove that its right?
b) Have a way that it can be proven wrong.
I am really curious about b) though, as I am strongly convinced that ID is NOT a scientific theory, as it just cant be disaproved, which puts it into the realm of belief.
Again, some clarification: I dont have a problem with ID itself...as I mentioned at the beginning, i cant prove the there is no god. It just have MAJOR problems with ID claiming to be scientific. Cause it isnt.
I just searched my PC for a nice conciliative position of an preacher, i wanted to discuss in one of my classes...but i cant find it anymore

I think he suggested that there is no problem with god vs. evolution, if one accepted the idea that god created evolution... maybe even without influencing it

I didn't ask if you wonder what made the grass green and the sky blue, I asked if you wonder why it was that way. Do you sit around and think: "why does chlorophyll make grass green instead of purple? I don't think that you do, but my point is that nothing would come of the activity.
Sure, I do! And of course some knowledge comes from it. Sry, cant resist:
Fyi: As green is the color cause the ability of chlorophyll to absorb light on the edges of the visible spectrum (absorbtion peaks at about 400 and 650 nm). The absorb energy is used to to power the fotosynthesis...as light at the lower area of wavelengths (ultraviolett, 400nm and lower) contains more energy then higher wavelengths, absorbing low wavelengths results i quite a high energy gain for the plant.
If the grass was purple that would mean it could absorb light from the green and red area (around 500 nm and above)...but these wavelength contain fewer energy, so the plant would not be able to produce that much glucose as if it was green...to go one step further: there probably were some purple mutations during that millions of evolution. But as they were less well adapted as their green “cousins” they have been ousted...actually there are some strains of cyanobacteria that come close to your random choice of “purple”...but they fill different ecological niches, so then they are the “winners” as they are better adapted to the environment