Wow, quite some work to put this all down. Thanks for sharing.
Im not sure if my english is still good enough to precisely express what i want to say.
but ill try anyway
First: Its really important for me that i dont want to attack your belief. I think belief can be a very good thing for people and nobody should be told what to believe or attacked for his faith.
... So, now onto why I believe in God...
Afaik, this wasnt the original topic...
But anyway:
Imo, the word "believe" already disqualifies for any kind of discussion on a scientific level about the existence of god...
1) Belief is always subjective (as BP pointed out really well in his first post here, imo). Faith does not need any proof, as you cant prove the spiritual.
2) Whereas science values objectiveness above all. Subjective perceptions are not accepted as objective enough.
II. Intelligent design
We live in a very complex world, it is undeniable. Things that seem simple (like a table for example) are actually (apparently) filled with countless little things called atoms. Living organisms are extremely complex. I am not very good at science, but I took a Biology class in high school (last year) and the extraordinary complexity and engineering of things left me astounded.
Oh, that hit a nerve. Sorry, if I might become a bit harsh, but the movement of "Intelligent design" is something i find...i cant even find words for it...
Yes, Life is complex...but this not mean at all, that there has been any kind of engeneering. Evolution is simply that complex, that it defies common sense sometimes and you need quite some backround to really understand the mechanisms of Evolution.
The most basic argument i encountered was sth. like "Evolution cant be proven completely. There are gaps. There is some data that doesnt fit. So Evolution is only a theory with faults. Or even: So Evolution is wrong. I
must have been God."
Some of the "faults" are (at least sometimes) simply a lack of understanding.
For me, its all again about the scientific method.
It was mentioned before in this thread: a scientific theory (at thats what intelligent design claims to be) needs means to be proven wrong, there has to be the chance to falsify your God cant be proven to not exist, he cant be part of any scientific theory. Period.
To put this in a syllogism, as you requested:
A scientific theory needs methods to be proven wrong.
ID cant be proven wrong, as it is impossible to prove that God doesnt exist.
ID is not a scientific theory.
Your absolutely free to
believe in Intelligent design...but thats a personal thing, a spiritual thing.
But all scientific data point towards Evolution. True,there are some quirks (i dont really happen to recall them)...but Evolution is the most well based theory about the Evolution of Life and there is no candidate to even come close to that.
Furthermore, i experienced, that
some people tend to turn towards the spiritual when things are beyond their this case:
"Life is just TOO complex. This just
cant be the result of a random process."
Again, sure REALLY complex. But there was an almost unimaginable amount of time involved. Who can imagine millions of years? I cant. Beyond my imagination.
But this doesnt mean at all, that the theory is wrong, just because i cant imagine that.
Again trying to put this in a syllogism, thats
wrong imo, cause statement A is wrong:
All things i cant imagine cant happen/ be true.
I cant imagine that the complexity of life was the result of a random process/Evolution.
Evolution is not true.
Concerning your syllogism, if dare to disagree to some aspects. But first: I havent studied using syllogism a lot, so this is just my common sense about them...
But imo the essential part about syllogism is, that the first two statements, A and B, must be be
beyond any doubt for this method to actually create good results...
All things that are not natural are super natural.
The moral law is not natural.
Therefore, the moral law is supernatural.
I have serious doubt
A) The definition of "natural" is not clear to me. Could you please explain, what defines a "natural thing"?
B) Imo, Moral codes are created by society by common consensus and teached to their children. At least, thats where my sociology class led me to...Thats the reason, why:
a) moral codes/laws have changed in history. Take a look at the value of "freedom" or human rights...
b) moral codes are quite coherent in particular culture. So you would be right to claim, that most cultures influenced by christianity share a commom moral code
c) moral codes can be different in different cultures. It might be an example, thats not politically correct, but its the only one that comes to my mind immediately: You might know that there are regions in the world, where killing a person is not considered morally wrong by
some inhabitants, as long as the killed person did sth. wrong.
Ill try again:
Moral laws are a result of society.
The results of society are natural.
Moral laws are natural.
All things that could not have come by natural means must have come by divine means.
The moral law could not have come by natural means.
Therefore, the moral law must have come by divine means.
A) Whats the meaning of "natural means"? For me not precise enough...
B) See explanation above. Imo, moral codes can develop on their own and they can be changed. If you teach your children early enough that stealing is right, they wont feel any guilt. Take a look at sociological studies...
All things of extreme complexity are things that suggest design (machines, technology, etc.)
The universe is a thing of extreme complexity.
Therefore, the universe is a thing that suggests design.
The word "suggest" disqualifies this one. A syllogism thats "suggests" sth. is completely useless to me.
A) Implies that everything has to have a purpose...must be done with intention. Thats a common misunderstanding i encounter often with my students when teaching evolution. Ill try to translate the example i commonly use to clear that misunderstanding:
1) I have a car to drive to school.
2) I have a car, so i can drive to school.
3) A giraffe has a long neck to eat the upper leafs of a tree.
4) A giraffe has a long neck, so it can eat the upper leafs of a tree.
5) The giraffe adapts to fit its surroundings to survive.
6) The giraffe is adapted to fit its surroundings to survive.
I hope i did the grammar correctly, so these sentences actually have minor differences in them^^
The thing i want to point out is:
Sentence 1 implies that i actively use my car to achieve stn. (going to school) people most the time do things on purpose, actively. People tend to think in these categories, cause its just the way they are used to.
Sentence 2, on the other hand, simply describes. There is no purpose in there. I have the car. I can drive. No intention. People are not used to this careful logic. It doesnt try to put intention in the act of driving.
The common misconception is, that people often use the logic they are used to, on evolution. Therefore using sentences 3 and 5. Giraffes do something actively. They use their neck on purpose. They actively adapt. We automaticly transfer human behavior on animals.
But sentences 4 and 6 fit much better. These sentences simply describe the state they are in. They have their long necks, so they are just able to reach these upper leafs. But there is no way for them to actively do sth. about it.
These examples also fit to the examples use named: technology, machines...all man created stuff. Please keep in mind, that e.g. do not fit in this. If you want to read more about it, try searching for stuff selfassembly of proteins...cause complex things are proven to be able to selfassemble.
my syllogism again (though the word "can" also disqualifies this one too ,)):
Extreme complexity can be a result of random processes.
The universe is etremely complex.
The universe can be a result of random processes.
All things that are experienced are real.
God is experienced (by me and millions of others).
Therefore, God is real.
quite dangerous assumptions you make here...just to say this:
All things that are experienced are real.
Hallucinations are experienced (by quite some million people using drugs e.g.)
Hallucinations are real.
Its, again about, subjective and objective facts. Just because many people experience or claim or believe sth....thats doesnt prove anything...10 million can be wrong and the one can be right (happend quite some time is history, mostly when some major breakthroughs were made)...but of course, its also the other way round (even more often
You might want reread the posts by BP...i think he had some really well placed arguments in there...
All things that are reliable can be trusted.
The Bible is reliable.
Therefore, the Bible can be trusted.
Im not sure, if I can agree on Statement A, but i definitely disagree on B. I am not really sure if its a good idea to discuss about the truth/the reliability of a holy book...but just to offer my last two syllogisms:
Man make mistakes.
The Bible was written by man.
The Bible contains mistakes.
Things with mistakes cant be trusted absolutely.
The Bible contains mistakes.
The Bible cant be trusted absolutely.
Once again: I didnt write this all down to turn your belief down. I really have respect for spiritual people, as they put their faith into sth., i just cant (and wont)
But I am convinced, that arguing with these syllogism doesnt prove anything at all. Its simply a statement of your beliefs. Which is fine, as long as you dont expect people to share your belief just because its yours.
Wow...this quite took some time^^ I am really curious how this will go on...though i am afraid the two of us wont come close to any kind of agreement. btw: i think BP had some REALLY well placed arguments there, which i can absolutely agree on. You might want to read his posts again, to better understand what i want to point out
LOL...was just taking a look at the whole topic and the following picture came to my mind: Two swines casting sth. at each other, which both believe to be pearls for them...but being only glass beads for the other one
WOW...i just wanted to post...7 new answers^^ after i have read through them i have to add some stuff^^
but that will be edited^^