A point I would like to bring up is the mater of how the world was created, putting God aside, how did it happen?
We have about 3-5 popular theories, all of which are full of holes and cannot fully be explained, I would give examples, but I can't really remember them. ^^"
Anyway, I shall tell you a story, one day, a high level scientist became charismatic and turned to god, he told the other scientist, "Why don't you guys even allow God to be considered in the creation of earth?" and the scientists, annoyed that he had become charismatic, fired him.
Yep. Just because of that.
One scientist went so far as to make a book called 'The Delusions of God' that said how believing in God was stupid, and that everyone who does is an idiot. The scientist who was fired in turn made a book called 'The Delusions of [Insert name of scientist]' that countered everything he said against God.
The scientist still wouldn't believe in God.
The ex-scientist had and interview with the scientist and personally countered every single creation theory that he could think up. He ran out of options and said;
"Well, there is still one haven't mentioned, the earth was just a lifeless rock in space and something came and brought germs here."
The ex-scientist: "So your saying aliens came on to earth, had a picnic and left some trash on earth, then left, and those germs evolved into humans?"
Scientist: "Yes."
The ex-scientist: "Well, I don't have a counter for that one."
So, the only theory the scientist had left was one that was even more ridiculous than God.
Thank you for reading through my bone wall of opinion. If you want to learn more about those scientists there is a movie called 'Expelled: no intelligence allowed' that gos further into the subject. If you find any of my facts do not check with the movie or are in some parts exaggerated, I apologize, it has been a long time since I watched that movie and I may have gotten some things wrong. Now I'm gonna go rest my fingers
