Even if humans have free will (and they don't, but that's a whole other story), it's very easy for us to be evil. That is an important point. We could've been designed so that it was a lot easier for us to make the right choices. We could've been smarter and less selfish as a species. Why would a creator choose to make us this way? The common answer is that it's some kind of test, but it seems to me quite twisted. We have to pass a test to be angels in Heaven and some of us will fail and go to Hell. Why didn't God just make a bunch of angels and leave out the testing and Hell?
Although Im not God, perhaps as a person who looks at the bible through his own eyes, and not of any denomination, I can clear a few things up.
Who says its easier to sin than to not sin? Take cuss words as a simple example. I dont cuss. I went through a period in my life where I did, however, I dont anymore. Is it hard for me to not sin? no.
Let me go through each of the 10 commandments.
1)Do not worship any other Gods.-That is very easy for me.
2)Do not make any graven image.-I would have to say this is the hardest for me being an avid video game fanatic. I often find myself spending my time unwisely.
3)Do not misuse the name of God.-Not hard at all.
4)Keep the sabbath day holy.-I consider this one to be relatively easy, although its an easy one to try to avoid due to the fast pace of the world.
5)Honor your father and mother.-My dad cheated on my mom, and then my grandparents (on my dads side) hooked my mom up with my dads brother. She ended up marrying my uncle (on my dads side obviously). Its messed up, but I can honestly say despite that, I honor both my step/father and step/mother.
6)Do not murder.-The bible also describes hatred as murder, however, I am good about not hating as well.
7)Do not commit adultery.-One many struggle with, especially since Jesus says that whoever looks at a woman with lust has commited adultery. I can give you this one as a hard one to do.
8)Do not steal.-An easy one to follow
9)Do not lie.-One many people have trouble with, myself included.
10)Do not covet.-This one is easy for me, however, many people have problems with this.
I'll concede 1 of those as hard for people to follow without any outside influence. That is lieing. You dont have to teach a baby to lie. It will on its own. meanwhile, many of the other things are taught to us today in society as being ok.---
1,2, and 3 are seen on a daily basis on just about any tv channel.
4) is one that many people ignore beacuse of how demanding they feel thier life is and think due to social pressure that its ok sometimes to
not honour the sabbath.
5) Once again, moreso nowdays, you see tv shows abuot how teenagers are much smarter than their parents (or at least they think they are)
6)The actual murder part magority of people are good on, however, hatred is still running rampant in todays society.
7)When was the last time you turned on the tv and didnt see a show that has a scene meant to induce lust? Heck, forget tv, when was the last time you went to walmart and didnt see a girl wearing pants so short you could almost see her underwear? And people wonder why this is so hard for everyone (christians and non christians)
8)Stealing, another one I consider easy to follow, however, we also must remember that taking a pencil at school is also stealing.
9)Do not lie. One of the easiest thigns to do and something we are very good at figuring out how to do without any outside help.
10)We live in a nation where we are suppose to want the biggest and brightest things. If our neighbor has it, we want it. (I have a 65" 3d tv, with 4 pair of 3d glasses, you know youre jealous
The point im getting at is that although it seems hard to follow Gods will, and granted, it was never just plain easy to do, it is harder today than it was when the world was first created.
I was ninjad by 3 posts, so Ill get to those later