religion vs science is truly an impossible topic as every time science (supposedly) disproves religion the argument can always arise "you can't directly disprove the existence of a deity. ever."
This is really the worst argument for anything. For starters, anything that can't be disproved is inherently scientific. But to really see how silly of an argument it is, I can replace the word deity with anything I want, and the argument remains just as valid.
Well, to be fair, one cannot disprove the truth.
I could say "You can't disprove Nuclear Fission", which doesn't make Nuclear Fission unscientific.
I do agree that it is not a well articulated argument, but I will play devil's advocate here, and try and turn it into something that has substance.
I bring up Cartesian Dualism.
This states that the brain and the mind are separate. The brain is the physical organ that science controls, and that science explains.
However, there is a separate consciousness, the mind, that science has no jurisdiction over.
One can apply a similar argument to religion, and say that even if the concept of a deity does not fit with our knowledge of science, that is just the "brain" half. Science could not disprove the "mind" part of the existence of a deity, because it is a different area of knowledge.
Thus, the claim that science can't disprove a deity, would be one that actually has some philosophical merit, and logical merit as well.