Not sure if this is the kind of question we can ask, but I won't know if I don't try
If God is all-loving, why does he send people who don't believe in Him to hell? Does He still love them too?
No, God didn't force anyone to accept his love, let's based this discussion on this and i shall begin. It's up to us to either accept Him or not, if we have rejected Him in the first place, that means we are choosing the other way, assuming that you are saying heaven and hell, 2 different routes to be taken. While i'm not saying hell is the route chosen, i just want to clarify that i deduct this based on logic.
P1 You invited me to a party
> i rejected
P2 You took initiative to ask me again, and persuade one of your friends to ask me
> i was too busy and ignored.
P3 Are you going to drag me to your party?
Going back to the question, you said that Why did God sent people to hell? You are assuming God is in heaven. Not to go off topic about holiness of God, i'll just stick to this saying that 'God who chose us even before we were conceived' would not make us like robots or slaves that only obey what He ask us to do, we're given free will and so it's our choice that dictates our life.