A beautifully illustrated description of why I think that belief in religion is taking the easy way out (http://dresdencodak.com/2011/10/31/dark-science-12/)
Religion is the easier option.
People need something to believe. I think none of us are disputing that.
I just think that religion is the result of people who got tired along the way to finding the real explanation for things, and were willing to settle for just having some explanation.
Easier? Maybe. Maybe not. I would say that it's different, it may be easier mathematically, but there are many issues that people in religions have to think about, to debate, to work out, and to work through. Honestly, I don't know why I'm arguing with you because I can tell that you've made your decision and won't be swayed, so this really won't get anyone anywhere, but I guess I'll try my best.
Saying that Religion is the easier option(The other, I'm assuming is science.) is like saying that playing professional soccer is easier than being a nobel laurate for physics. It takes a different set of skills and a different way of thinking. Religion was the
original science, but since the early times when religion and science were the same thing, people have begun to think differently(like going from playing soccer to studying physics). Is being a scientist easier than being a religious philosopher for a living? Maybe, but unless you've been both I don't believe you're in any position to say which is easier.
Please don't just say that Religion is the easy way out because you can always just say that some magical wizard did it because I can turn around and say the same thing about science. The laws of physics did it. People nowadays, as ever in our history are trying to delve into both of them in order to understand them better. Scientists are attempting to understand science, and Religious people are looking into God(or their gods, etc.), to discover what they can in order to better understand themselves, the universe, and everything in it.
Science is different, and is the brain child of Religion.