My view is that religion is mainly there to make people feel like even though they mess up their lives etc that in some weird way their life had some meaning, its more there as a crutch for people that aren't (in some terms) stronge enough to live just to live.
Counterexample: I know many people who find their meaning in helping other people, not in their religion. Some of these are very religious people. But invariably these people also have a great deal of personal strength.
Religion in some ways is bad as it has been the thing for 2,000 years that has caused countless wars and arguements, is has been used by most to keep everyone else under control and to promote fear that if you do something they deem wrong you go to "hell".
Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people. There have been as many wars that were driven by monarchical greed - pretty much all of Rome's conquest, for example. People will always find reasons to kill.
I find the best way to help people is to stop trying to constantly help them as that means they never learn how to help themselves, help alittle but to constantly help is to weaken them so they never learn. It's basically like over parenting a child is how you could put it, you look after it and are meant to help it learn but picking it up too much when it gets hurt means the child never learns how to pick themselves up and deal with things on their own. A person always has inner strength but some seem to choose to ignore that and rely on something or someone else to keep them going and to keep them strong. With some people who believe too heavily in religion you take that away and they will crumble and become useless to everyone including themselves, but there are some that still have their own inner strength and don't rely on their religion to live and keep going. There have and always will be some and some, its just a shame the majourity of people now that believe in religion heavily are the ones that use it as a crutch.
That is true people are the ones that kill other people, but religion influences the actions of people a great deal. For instance a long time ago I believe it was chirstians came up with "kill a jew have all sins forgotten" they told people to kill other people to have their sins removed or they would suffer a enternity of "paying for their sins in hell". Religion started people killing other innocent people by bending the bible to their will to influence people, also the witch burnings, chirstians feared the pagan belief though it caused them no harm so they spread that anyone that believed in that was following the devil and was called a witch and had to be killed before they killed everyone else or tricked them into following satan. Also if you look at Ireland, look what happened to them thanks to religion, they killed their own brothers and other family members if they believed in anything slightly different. Religion may be a good thing in some cases but that doesn't excuse the things its caused, the wars, the deaths and even the separating of countries and families. But yes the people are to blame as well but some people are like sheep and are easily swayed and herded to do anothers bidding and in some cases religion has been that wolf in sheeps clothing and the one herding people to do its bidding even at the costs of the peoples lives.
But as I said, that is just my opinion
now if you excuse me I'm off to continue playing the game and watching Warehouse 13. Have fun everyone