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Re: are you creationist or evolutionist? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #168 on: October 13, 2011, 10:37:29 pm »
The particular form of argument from ignorance commonly used by Intelligent Design advocates is often called "God of the Gaps." They typically say that there is no natural explanation for X phenomenon, therefore we must accept a supernatural explanation (i.e., a Creator). For some phenomena cited, scientists counter that they indeed do have a natural explanation. For other phenomena, the gap in scientific knowledge does not mean that science will never have a natural explanation.

Religion used to be a source of understanding about the natural world. However, as science developed, it has become accepted as the best way we have of understanding the natural world. The work of science is not complete, and it never will be. Those who insist that religion provides superior understanding of the natural world have retreated from areas in which knowledge has been gained to areas in which a lot of research remains to be done. The picture these religious fundamentalists paint is not of a God who presents himself for all to see and astonishes beholders with feats of [/u]power, but instead of a God who hides in the shadows, a silent hermit, except for occasional appearances in a burrito or a grilled cheese sandwich (http://www.beliefnet.com/Entertainment/Books/2010/02/Jesus-in-Food-and-Other-Objects.aspx).
maybe he just said screw it I don't have to waist my power on these people. If you saw a burning pillar of fire in your front yard and nothing was on fire I have high doubts that you would run to the nearest church and become a christen. you would probably think is was an experiment and try and find an answer in via science. if that didn't work you would wait until you found an answer that suited your beliefs change your beliefs to better model reality.. and please correct me if I am wrong. this is just my opinion.
I corrected the above for what an intellectually honest scientist would do.
I would probably act similar but supplemented with philosophic inquiries.
Thanks for somewhat agreeing with me. it is just proving an other theory I have. we could debate until the end of time and still be at that same argument youBeltus says prove god exists, I say prove he doesn't
,and I say lets try to find out.
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"Whistles" you have a lot of free time I see. I will do my best but no promises.
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