If one desires to study the nature of our upbringing, so be it; but in my opinion, to study what we can only assume as a theory, and forever will remain a theory, is a waste of time. To study anything that cannot be proven is a waste of time, but this does not mean all studies are bad. Studies that contribute to informing the general public and improving the overall condition of mankind are the studies that I love, and should be encouraged.
However, if you don't study it, how can you know that it cannot be proven? Plus, if we know the past, it may help with predicting the future or continuing our understanding of our present situation. I fail to see how helping improve our knowledge of the world around us.
Death is a completely different story, but the same rules apply -- no one knows what happens after you die, therefore making it a waste of time to 'study' or 'predict'.
Just because someone does not know something for sure, does that make it useless to study it? If so, then the entire field of education is completely useless. If the Christians are, for sake of argument, then studying what may happen after death is very,
very important.