Let me start out by saying this:
Good and evil do not exist.
Never, in the history of warfare, has one side /ever/ admitted to being evil. Because no side ever has been. In World War 2, most Nazi's didn't know about the anti-semitism, and those who did turned the other cheek because they didn't want to die. In fact, Germany had this huge depression after WW1 that was entirely the allies fault, and they had a really legitimate reason to be pissed. And, let's be honest, if you've /never/ fantasized about being an evil mastermind, you aren't normal. It's just something everyone kind of wants to be.
And that goes further. Because, in my years on the internet, I've learned something. Everyone is the exact same. To simplify, let's look at a highschool and it's cliques, simplified down, a lot.
The Jocks
The Nerds
The Preppy kids
The Gangsters
I personally am a nerd. As such, I am not allowed to do anything the other groups do, but deep down, I want to do everything those groups do. I'm a short white kid, but I'm surprisingly good at basketball, and I'm well coordinated. I have a swimmers build as well. But I've never applied myself to sports because I'm not supposed to. I wouldn't mind simply sitting in the back of the classroom and goofing off, maybe being a tough guy, but I can't. Similarly, I can't be one of those guys who has thousands of friends and is never single. But you know what? Every single one of those people wishes they were me, secretly. All of them wish they could get the grades I do as easily. They watch me play nerdy games like Magic and DnD, and laugh at me, but if they saw me sitting around a table and doing nothing but having fun for 8 hours on end, they'd be pretty damn jealous. Because everyone on this planet is the exact same, but we're too scared to admit it.
(In the adult world, these examples are for more subtle, but they still exist. The secretary has always secretly wanted to be the CEO, and make tons of money, and the CEO secretly wants a simple desk job and the ability to go home at the end of the day and spend time with her family.)
It breaks down to instincts. I don't like what I have. You don't like what I have. I have something different from you. As such, you have what I want, and I have what you want. I won't just give it to you for free, I earned what I have. You won't give me what I want. So we both fight each other to take what we want. Even if what we want, like secretly wanting to be able to break dance, is intangible and can't be stolen. Cue: war.
So, when you ask "Are humans inherently good or evil," I ask you what those terms mean. How can anyone, truly, be evil?
Dude, you're probably better off on a shrink's couch than on these forums. Just saying.
It's OK. If I pretend that I have forgiven all those people who hurt me, then I'm sure it will no longer be a problem to you. That's what I always did anyways.
If a person really pisses me off and wants to hurt me, then to me that person is "dead" and no longer matters to me. His insults will no longer hurt.
I'm having trouble understanding why selfishness equates evilness.
Selfishness by itself is not evil, but it does make you want to help yourself instead of helping others. Combine that with greed, and you will want to increase your own wealth at the expense of other people. Which is pretty evil to me.
To me, selfishness plus greed equals evil. Goodness is the opposite of that: altruism and the desire to give.
The thief secretly wishes he could give his money away and be good, and the nun secretly wishes she could hoard her money and be rich. People act not on how they are, but how they think they're supposed to be.