Title:All of you evolutionists are stupid when it comes to logic.
1) It is not wise to insult the group you are trying to persuade unless your goal is to make them more stubborn.
2) Insults are rude.
Think about it this way. You believe in a big bang, and you say that no matter can come by supernatural forces. If you say that the big bang created everything, where did the big bang come from? If there's a big bang, there has to be something to go bang.
1) I thought the topic was evolutionists not big bang cosmologists although they have high correlation.
2) Most who use the big bang model believe that it is epistemologically more sound to believe something that if wrong could be disproved that to believe something that if wrong could not be disproved. (Please reread this part it is very important)
3) There are more theories about the origin/cause of the big bang. Few people that believe in the big bang would claim it to be an uncaused cause.
4) The big bang claims there was something to go bang. It claims there was a large mass/energy in a nigh infinitesimal volume.
Secondly, millions of years is not possible. Salt grows in the oceans every day. If the earth really was millions of years, we could literally walk across the ocean.
1) Salt does not grow it is assembled and disassembled in chemical reactions.
2) The levels of salt in the oceans are relatively constant not growing.
And last, do you know how complex life is? Only 20 amino acids are used in life, and there are a lot of amino acids. Only the left-handed amino acids are used in life, none of the right-handed ones. There are left and right-handed amino acids. And another thing is that you have to have all of the amino acids in exact order.
Do you REALLY believe that our bodies could be made by chance?
1) Life is very complex, so is probability.
2) While there are a lot of theoretical amino acids, very few of them are present on earth.
3) Most organic molecules (containing carbon) are handed molecules also known as chiral molecules.
4) Chirality adds complexity but does not make proteins impossible.
5) The likelihood of an improbable event occurring given enough opportunity increases to near certainty.
6) Even unlikely events can happen. A die has 6 faces, it is possible to roll a 3 even though it is improbable.