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General Discussion / Re: Flashpoint
« Last post by Wyand on December 03, 2024, 12:18:19 am »
Let's say you want to avoid the drudgery needed for all the cards needed in Elements Flashpoint.
Fear not, I did it for you! :)

Your only job is to locate your savefile (Flashpoint\Legacy\cgi-bin\\saves\yourloginname.txt),
then edit it with notepad (or some similar editor, I use NoteTab Light). Search for these sections and replace them with texts below.

The collection contains 6 copies of each unupgraded and upgraded normal/rare/ultra-rare cards, plus 36-36 pillars/pendulums for each element,
including the upped ones as well. 36-36 Quantum Pillar/Tower included, also 6 of each neutral cards and their upgraded counterparts!
Bonus stuff: 6x Relic, 6x upped Relic, 6x Holy Cow, 6x upped Holy Cow (these are alternate upped Light Nymphs*),
6x Ash, 6x upped Ash, 6x Foil Chimera, 6x upped Foil Chimera! Totalling in 4344 pieces of cards.

Spoiler for *:
These can be used with "normal" upped Light Nymphs in the same deck, totalling a max of 12 of them per deck!

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
General Discussion / 7d4
« Last post by Wyand on November 09, 2024, 10:51:15 pm »
Come roll with me, guys! :)

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Wake Me Up When September Ends
« Last post by dragtom on October 01, 2024, 12:59:56 am »
wake up.
We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
General Discussion / Re: Testing out the Oracle
« Last post by ddevans96 on September 30, 2024, 07:00:41 am »
for what it's worth, oracle manipulation was vaguely known, largely due to the experimentation of Kael Hate. I don't recall him sharing specific methods, likely out of respect for the then-active Zanz, and other active community members at the time didn't seem to actively research it, so there weren't many public details. the concept seemed to just not be interesting enough to the community at large for it to not fade into myth more than anything else. I had a couple conversations about it with different people over the years that never resulted in new attention or research on it

I definitely expect that some others found it over time and used it also, and chose not to share it, maybe for reasons similar to whatever yours may have been. I would like to assume good faith and think that if anyone came across the exploit and believed it would negatively affect the pvp scene, that they would bring it up, and not simply try to gain a large competitive advantage. maybe in a pvp ecosystem that wasn't slowly dying, more people would have looked into oracle manipulation and a discussion would have been necessary

No idea why nobody said it or if this rumour was shutted down and kept in the staff/council. Probably a way to get a staff position was keep the secret, seeing how much incompetence i assisted in the years. I can't believe i was the only to do it since it was so easy to figure out. It did not even started for nymphs, but simply not spinning crappy elements for submitting the arena deck.

to speak plainly about this bit - on some level, I sympathize with where you're coming from, as someone who both suspects that certain events had some unfair activity behind the scenes, and had to clean up other staffer's messes on occasion (with the clear acknowledgement that I created some problems for others also)

but I can absolutely guarantee that knowledge of oracle manipulation was not something ever used for staff leverage. it just wasn't a concept valuable enough to be limited and used as currency. the reasons for staff incompetence were far simpler than that: not enough active and dedicated people left to fill the sheer number of roles created over the years, with many longtime members falling to burnout. I know we didn't get along in that time, but I hope you can understand that I have zero reason to lie about the history of this place, given how much time has passed since then
General Discussion / Re: Blab help needed
« Last post by Wyand on September 14, 2024, 04:11:57 pm »
I sorta think it fixed itself. The issue was possibly caused by some part of the chat, which eventually "went out" of the main chat window as new messages came.
General Discussion / Re: Blab help needed
« Last post by J617 on September 14, 2024, 02:42:25 am »
It looks like chat works again.  Thank you to whoever fixed it.
General Discussion / Re: Help - Elements the Revival - I lost cards
« Last post by J617 on September 13, 2024, 10:27:55 pm »
You are quite right.  I was in the middle of sleep (couldn't sleep) when I checked here so I wasn't at all fully awake.  However, you did come to my rescue.  Thank you Sparklmonkey.
General Discussion / Re: Help - Elements the Revival - I lost cards
« Last post by Wyand on September 13, 2024, 07:53:00 pm »
You are welcome! I was only a mere messenger, Sparklmonkey did the work, though. :D
General Discussion / Re: Help - Elements the Revival - I lost cards
« Last post by J617 on September 13, 2024, 06:06:23 pm »
It looks like today I was given back most of the cards which I specifically listed.  Thank you Wyand for your help.  :)
General Discussion / Re: Help - Elements the Revival - I lost cards
« Last post by Wyand on September 12, 2024, 08:18:55 pm »
A little bit of patience, Janice. Was not around my comp today.
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