When playing my scarab-based control deck, I don't like the


one, because I don't know if it is better to buff my scarab (so that it can survive a lightning), or not buff it (in case of a rewind). And when he plays an anubis (and I cannot eat him for some reasons) it usually breaks my main strategy... although I usually win anyway, eating fate eggs and photons never hurts

I also do not like the


dude, but only if he manages to play 2 graveyards and a fire shield before I take control of the field, so not too often.
And the

one can be annoying with gravity shields, when my biggest scarab (usually ~20 attack) can do nothing and I have to rely on the small ones and eternity to finish him off.
And when playing an aggro grinder, bad draws are much worse than bad AI's, although rewind still hurts