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Opponents, Strategy and Decks => Random, Normal and Elder => Topic started by: NeedForTorque on March 10, 2010, 02:43:20 am

Title: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: NeedForTorque on March 10, 2010, 02:43:20 am
Feel free to post your most hated level 3 element battles here

I absolutely despise dueling the Mark Of  :water. The constant poisons and Chrysaoras poisoning me is agonizing. I lost to nearly every Water Elemental.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: jmizzle7 on March 10, 2010, 03:02:30 am
The :entropy mark is really annoying. Discord, Maxwell's Demons, and Devourers.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Eleazar on March 10, 2010, 03:43:25 am
I hate  :water elementals, they are the only kind of AI3 who can beat me...  :(
That poison totally annoys me.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: NeedForTorque on March 10, 2010, 03:45:50 am
The :entropy mark is really annoying. Discord, Maxwell's Demons, and Devourers.
Haha, coming from the Master.  :P
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Kameda on March 10, 2010, 04:01:00 am
When I'm playing with the Shrieker rush deck I just really hate Rewind. Really really hate it. This and triple Thunderstorm.
When with the mono life with adrenaline Poison, Fire Shield and Rewinds are too annoying. But is good to get out of Freeze in the next turn.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: jmizzle7 on March 10, 2010, 04:08:23 am
When I'm playing with the Shrieker rush deck I just really hate Rewind. Really really hate it. This and triple Thunderstorm.
You don't have to worry about Thunderstorm at all if you never have more than two creatures targetable out at a time. The AI doesn't cast board-sweeping effects like Thunderstorm and Plague unless you have at least three targets out.

The :entropy mark is really annoying. Discord, Maxwell's Demons, and Devourers.
Haha, coming from the Master.  :P
Inorite! 8)
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: NeedForTorque on March 10, 2010, 04:48:13 am
I also dislike Darkness. Stealing are my cards and poisoning me...again. I hate poison. :(
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: -Phiryos- on March 10, 2010, 01:24:33 pm

Early Discord is orrible, if you play a mono.

Though in the end almost every loss is due to a very bad draw.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: NeedForTorque on March 11, 2010, 11:14:30 pm

Early Discord is orrible, if you play a mono.

Though in the end almost every loss is due to a very bad draw.
True, true. Most of the time the reason I lose is because of bad draws at the beginning.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: ODSTRookie on March 12, 2010, 12:58:21 am
I hate the time/aether guy. hes really evil. He probably screwed me up the most when I started playing this.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Thenewelite on March 12, 2010, 01:22:42 am
Honestly, the entropy ones are all that pose a threat to me, on my fire farming rush deck. Water only wins about 1 in 50 against me, he's annoying but doesn't hold enough power to take me down before my dragons do the job usually. The maxwell's demons against ruby dragons just plain hurt, though. And chaos seeds. And all of entropy. And if he gets that dissipation shield in.. I'm toast. Time is annoying but even with rewinds he rarely if ever poses a high threat. *Shrug*
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: tyranim on March 12, 2010, 01:23:14 am
time mark, it keeps rewinding my raged lycans
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Xinef on March 12, 2010, 03:28:11 pm
When playing my scarab-based control deck, I don't like the :time / :aether one, because I don't know if it is better to buff my scarab (so that it can survive a lightning), or not buff it (in case of a rewind). And when he plays an anubis (and I cannot eat him for some reasons) it usually breaks my main strategy... although I usually win anyway, eating fate eggs and photons never hurts ;)

I also do not like the :fire / :death dude, but only if he manages to play 2 graveyards and a fire shield before I take control of the field, so not too often.

And the :gravity one can be annoying with gravity shields, when my biggest scarab (usually ~20 attack) can do nothing and I have to rely on the small ones and eternity to finish him off.

And when playing an aggro grinder, bad draws are much worse than bad AI's, although rewind still hurts ;)
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: hermantheowl on March 13, 2010, 01:45:18 am
Time/Aether, especailly if it those fate eggs hatch into dragons when it has a Procrastination! It once got 3 Golden Dragons in a row, and some reverse times and lightnings with a procrastination out! Then there's that Eternity! Arrrgh!

Entorpy/DArkness is also a pain because of MAxwell's Demons, devourers, chaos seed and that dissipation shield.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: monkeytc on March 14, 2010, 03:11:18 pm
entropy  :entropy and darkness  :darkness
time  :time
time  :time and aether  :aether

Only because of those ridiculous Maxwell's Demons and Reverse Times...
Also Gravity/Light is annoying if it whips out the Morning Star...
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: omgarm on March 17, 2010, 07:33:11 pm
Those are the ones I hate the most as well. They can easily slow my shriekers to a crawl. Other decks need great draws to beat it.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Tea is good on March 21, 2010, 03:10:14 pm
Only time I play level three is with a speed rainbow. Time/Aether is agonizing, I'm like woot next turn win, then bam my 16/17 forest spirit is rewinded and two of my shriekers are 'Bolted.  ???
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: darkfrogger on March 25, 2010, 12:38:08 am
i hate teh entropy darkness one. i have like a 30 percent lose rate against that one :(
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: notverygood on April 07, 2010, 02:34:45 am
Time/Earth is pretty annoying, what with earthquakes/basilisk.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: aaandrew152 on April 07, 2010, 03:09:31 am
I hate  :entropy/ :darkness because I have a mono  :life deck with just the right amount of pillars but then discord and devourers take out my quanta and about half the time I get owned. But other than that my speed deck takes out every thing else even  :water/ :death because that deck takes too long to ramp up before I own it.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: baku36 on April 07, 2010, 03:53:40 am

Early Discord is orrible, if you play a mono.

Though in the end almost every loss is due to a very bad draw.
True, true. Most of the time the reason I lose is because of bad draws at the beginning.

that about it for me too bad draws poisn and discord
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: asymmetry on April 07, 2010, 04:36:51 am
time/aether can be very annoying at times...
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: killfer8 on April 07, 2010, 10:15:14 pm
I hate  :aether/ :water because he just freezes my creatures and i cant keep going, also hate  :time/ :earth because he earthquakes my pillars and his titanium shield keeps me from hitting him
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: 918273645 on April 08, 2010, 03:03:53 pm
 :entropybig Discord and Maxwell's HURT  :entropybig
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: DietSnapple135 on April 09, 2010, 05:33:22 am
time/aether can be very annoying at times...
I definitely agree. For me, when I'm grinding AI3, it's more about beating them fast. So, if I run into some of the aether and time decks, bah, the stall drives me up the walls!
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: lurchdaddy on April 10, 2010, 09:20:06 pm
I definitely cannot stand the  :water/ :death deck.  Such a pain!  I seem to have good luck with getting my Lobotomizer early though, and that shuts it right down.  Along with a handful of the other AI3 decks... I love you, Lobotomizer!
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: killsdazombies on April 26, 2010, 11:04:20 am
 :entropy :darkness is the most evil, iv lost to him nearly every time because he destroys my mono farm deck.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: baku36 on April 26, 2010, 11:51:50 pm
I ran into one to day had tones of ff and two ffq  out then here came the hope i could do nothing.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: RedRevive on April 27, 2010, 12:51:21 am
:entropybig Discord and Maxwell's HURT  :entropybig
^This one.  Maxwell actually makes me pay attention :(  hahaha
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: bstar11 on April 27, 2010, 10:45:12 pm
Definitely the  :entropy ones, with that horrible discord, otys, AND Maxwells. Which destroys my fire deck!
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: finkel on May 03, 2010, 10:55:23 pm
I'm going to go ahead and side with everybody that said  :entropy
sometimes  :water, too when he pulls out an ice shield and an artic squid or two and just freezes all my friggin' creatures >.<
when he gets up discord, dissipation shield, and a couple maxwell's demons, that's game.
EDIT: I've beaten entropy 3 times since this post (a few minutes, lol) with the shrieker rush deck by getting 3-4 pillars and 3-4 graboids so I could evolve one every turn and get 4 shriekers out before he stated in with the devourers+discord+maxwell's demon.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: DeathShrimp on May 12, 2010, 11:10:24 am
 :life and  :water i find most annoying

 :life is annoying bcuz of the thorn shield pretty much screws most decks up :\

 :water with his massive creatures is also hard :\
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 12, 2010, 07:00:52 pm
Entroyp/Darkness is sometimes annoying, but the ones I find worst are the Time/Aether and the Shrieker rush. Aether/Water annoys me sometimes too, but the stalling on the first two really annoys me >:(
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Lordpants on May 12, 2010, 07:19:27 pm
Since most often you speed grind those level 3's discord is my least favorite thing to go up against, followed by the maxwell followed by all my dead dragons, which is fantastic... gravity shield is particularly annoying because he pops up so much more when im playing Earth.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: asymmetry on May 12, 2010, 07:39:32 pm
Okay, maxwell's are starting to tickle me since I tried 1/2 upped Terro's speed rainbow. (just supernovas and qt's) Poor spiders :(
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: rock0head132 on May 15, 2010, 06:58:46 pm
Poison, devourers, and the outh (SP?), and most time decks kick me hard.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: ODSTRookie on May 16, 2010, 02:38:52 am
well despite lvl 3s being ridiculously evil they can yield delicious result like, light dragons, rares, and a high amount of chysoras vultures and devourers.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: tallguy2241 on May 19, 2010, 03:37:20 am
For me, it depends on which deck I'm using, but usually the time/aether combo is my nemesis. I tend to rely too much on creatures, and between RT, PU, and Lightning, my creatures are dead, gone, or used against me.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: hermantheowl on May 19, 2010, 06:05:30 pm
The earth/time one becasue of its earthquakes
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: TkG Anubis on May 20, 2010, 07:53:02 pm
 :entropy /  :darkness  thats the only deck that i lose to because i use shrieker/graboid rush or fire rush :/
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: finkel on May 20, 2010, 08:25:31 pm
 :life spine carapace :life and :fire fire shield :fire are the two most annoying shields
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: borbland on May 26, 2010, 05:43:54 pm
the new level 3 are extrem annoying.The :time/:earth is really mean and the :time/:aether too.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: alf15 on May 27, 2010, 12:31:32 am
 :water /  :aether is a pain. they fractaled their arctic squid and ended up with like 7 on the field, of which 4 were invulnerable. I could do nothing but sit and wait for the end
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Retribution on May 27, 2010, 02:19:41 am
The :entropy mark is really annoying. Discord, Maxwell's Demons, and Devourers.
When I was running a mono time, they were really annoying. Discord was shutting down my quanta to play dragons (and devourers), maxwell's demon was killing my dragons the instant they came onto the field, lycanthropes having 6/6 the second turn, and dissipation shield blocking all my damage...
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Retribution on May 27, 2010, 02:20:58 am
Sorry for double posting, but the  :time/ :earth elder was very annoying as well, almost as annoying as the  :entropy/ :darkness elder. They kept earthquaking my pillars while enchanting pulvies and titanium shields and rushing with shriekers/dragons.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: ODSTRookie on May 27, 2010, 03:54:07 am
Silent, to avoid future double posts use the edit feature on your previous post to update it.

EDIT: Its technically called modify.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: icecoldbro on May 27, 2010, 04:20:24 am
The :entropy mark is really annoying. Discord, Maxwell's Demons, and Devourers.
When I was running a mono time, they were really annoying. Discord was shutting down my quanta to play dragons (and devourers), maxwell's demon was killing my dragons the instant they came onto the field, lycanthropes having 6/6 the second turn, and dissipation shield blocking all my damage...
thirded i use a lot of monos so discord screws me
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: hello5666 on May 30, 2010, 12:35:18 am
 :entropy/ :darkness and  :time/ :earth
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Fixari on May 30, 2010, 05:58:30 am
Entropy mark decks are really annoying when Shrieker rushing, although all AI3 decks are beatable with this rush.

The problem with Entropy mark decks is that I forget to Burrow when a Maxwell's Demon comes on the field.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 06, 2010, 11:59:06 pm
For the  :entropy deck I find the biggest problem to be Maxwell's Demon.  Discord will slow you down but it quickly starts converting stuff back into the quanta you use, so it's just a short stall.

 :time :earth deck isn't too bad either, just save up your quanta and play a bunch of creatures at once.  That way you don't get locked with Reverse Time.

I've been running shrieker rush, which does pretty well handling  :water squid deck.  Just lay down Graboids and only morph them if there's no squid on the field.  Once squid comes out, burrow everything and wait until he plays Ice Shield.  Once that happens, unburrow everything and play whatever else you can.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Retribution on June 07, 2010, 12:03:44 am
:entropy/ :darkness and  :time/ :earth
Any reasons why?

For the  :entropy deck I find the biggest problem to be Maxwell's Demon.  Discord will slow you down but it quickly starts converting stuff back into the quanta you use, so it's just a short stall.

 :time :earth deck isn't too bad either, just save up your quanta and play a bunch of creatures at once.  That way you don't get locked with Reverse Time.

I've been running shrieker rush, which does pretty well handling  :water squid deck.  Just lay down Graboids and only morph them if there's no squid on the field.  Once squid comes out, burrow everything and wait until he plays Ice Shield.  Once that happens, unburrow everything and play whatever else you can.
Another big problem for the entropy elder is the speed of the lycanthropes, the dissipation shield and the vampire stilleto. Lots of elements lack permanent control, and it's really annoying...
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 07, 2010, 12:09:15 am
Diss shield rarely comes out, but yeah, when it does it's hard to counter.  Lots of ways to counter Lycans, shrieker rush just tries to hit harder.  If he's playing Lycans, the MD won't come out as fast.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Retribution on June 07, 2010, 12:10:26 am
Diss shield rarely comes out, but yeah, when it does it's hard to counter.  Lots of ways to counter Lycans, shrieker rush just tries to hit harder.  If he's playing Lycans, the MD won't come out as fast.
It's a 6/6 creature for 4 quanta though, and he's got lots of devourers.
He's still the most annoying deck for mono times.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 07, 2010, 03:13:48 am
Which is cool since I'm running shrieker rush - 10/4 creature for 4 quanta.  Only problem is when he gets a demon out early, and diss shield shuts me down fast.  Demons aren't too hard to counter, but that shield... ugh.  It wouldn't be a problem, except by the time he plays it he's already got some big hitters out himself.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: godofdeath500 on June 17, 2010, 10:16:34 pm

and any combo of them

EDIT: not really gravity, unless they Momentem a critter with 30+ attack.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: hermantheowl on June 17, 2010, 10:21:01 pm
The one with Miracles!
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 18, 2010, 09:34:38 pm
I take it back about the demons being less of a problem.  If the AI3  :entropy :darkness gets a demon out early, it's hard to win.  Two demons and discord and I might as well quit.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: jippy99 on June 20, 2010, 09:16:33 am
i completely hate the  :water/ :death deck with  :water mark.  It is way to much poison and the chrysaoras give unlimited posion.  I also dont like the  :darkness deck with the devourers and steals becuase most of my decks are mono.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: godofdeath500 on June 20, 2010, 09:22:23 am
i completely hate the  :water/ :death deck with  :water mark.  It is way to much poison and the chrysaoras give unlimited posion.  I also dont like the  :darkness deck with the devourers and steals becuase most of my decks are mono.
ditto here.

thats why whenever i see water mark i instantly leave.
of course the stupid frickin random ai3 random whatever the heck it is always gives me the same one after i quit.

not so random i guess is it...?
<sorry for the language, i was mad at my stepdad about some studip thing and had to take it out>
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Marvaddin on June 20, 2010, 01:40:10 pm
You quit against a lv 3?  :o

OMG, what deck are you using, guy?
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: godofdeath500 on June 20, 2010, 10:31:53 pm
You quit against a lv 3?  :o

OMG, what deck are you using, guy?
i hate poisin decks.  thats why i quit. poisin crushes anything i put down.
i really hate :fire/ :death and  :aether/ :death.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Azumi on June 21, 2010, 03:55:24 am
 :water :entropy water more since the ice shield is just mean....was testing out a steam machine deck and it was a pain
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: godofdeath500 on June 21, 2010, 04:10:50 am
:water :entropy water more since the ice shield is just mean....was testing out a steam machine deck and it was a pain
i think ice shield is just OP, i think that instead  of freezing for three turns, it should just freeze for one turn, like turtle shield.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Azumi on June 21, 2010, 04:28:36 am
:water :entropy water more since the ice shield is just mean....was testing out a steam machine deck and it was a pain
i think ice shield is just OP, i think that instead  of freezing for three turns, it should just freeze for one turn, like turtle shield.

mm but it costs +3 quanta more than procratination. I don't like it used against me but i love it..also its not 100% freeze chance
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: godofdeath500 on June 21, 2010, 09:20:09 am
:water :entropy water more since the ice shield is just mean....was testing out a steam machine deck and it was a pain
i think ice shield is just OP, i think that instead  of freezing for three turns, it should just freeze for one turn, like turtle shield.

mm but it costs +3 quanta more than procratination. I don't like it used against me but i love it..also its not 100% freeze chance
but still when it does freeze it freezes for 3 turns. like you said you hate it used agianst u but u love to use it agianst others. the argument goes both ways.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Decktrya on June 21, 2010, 01:46:29 pm
well i think aether time is pretty easy when im true i got no ideas what could make him hard the poison one nah also easy lvl =mostly rush decks=poison not that great chance
only that entrhopy darknes dude is somethimes really anoyn
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 22, 2010, 12:41:00 am
Speaking theoretically, an enemy Dusk Mantle/Fog Shield can lock you down almost completely.  I'd rather face an ice shield than a procrastination.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: sSethia on June 22, 2010, 12:50:44 am
Me too. Procrastination essentially halves the damage you're able to do.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: godofdeath500 on June 22, 2010, 05:06:29 am
Me too. Procrastination essentially halves the damage you're able to do.
Speaking theoretically, an enemy Dusk Mantle/Fog Shield can lock you down almost completely.  I'd rather face an ice shield than a procrastination.
but ice shield has the potential to completely lock you down for three turns, thus negating any damage.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: littlegriffi on June 27, 2010, 10:07:03 am
i played with a deck that should be 100% win played about 100 matches lost once against  :water so i guess i hate  :water the most
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Rainbowz on July 21, 2010, 02:10:36 pm
The Water Guy, who Freezes every monster you put out -.- and seems to have like 10 freezes! I'm serious one time he froze me 10 times. I was counting :o. My other nemesis is the entropy guy. Lycans, abominations, CHAOS SEED (THE GAYEST), and pandamonium.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: deathalo44 on August 15, 2010, 12:45:52 pm
For me its Entropy + Darkness and Water + Poison. No quanta/Extreme poisoning is annoying
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: draven848 on August 15, 2010, 01:35:03 pm
I have several decks, so it really depends on which deck I am working with. If I am grinding with my darkness deck, then the the lvl 3s i hate most are poison decks. I can usually win but they are just a royal pain cuz i loose health each turn and can do nothing about it.  If I am using my earth or fire rush decks then the decks i dislike the most are poison (either death or water) decks and darkness decks.  But now matter which deck I grind with I will always hate Entropy and that damn discord card.  Damn it to the fiery pits of hell!    :darkness
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Jordan on September 27, 2010, 07:22:55 pm
 :entropy and  :water annoy me the most as the freezes and discord really slow me down when I try to average 1 minute 10 seconds a game.

Also  :death can be really annoying when my dragons are falling.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: NonSensicalPhilosopher on October 12, 2010, 03:10:10 pm
I dislike the Rainbow Life-Mark'd Level three and the FFQ level three. Both are extremely boring to play against, even if neither pose much of a threat to my current deck. I also hate the Water/Poison deck, as everyone does.  <- That's a hint to fix that, Zanz. 3:<
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: willng3 on October 12, 2010, 03:43:48 pm
The Time/Aether Elder annoys me to no end.  One game it doesn't use a single bit of CC and you win easily, the next it spams Reverse Times, Lightnings, and Procrastinations which make your ttw become several times more than what it should have been...quite a nuisance.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on October 12, 2010, 03:46:10 pm
Entropy/Darkness, his cards are potentially the evilest, first (s)he might screw up your quanta to give you a slow start, then Paradox every attacker, and what does survive gets blocked by a dissapation shield :(

Either that or you end up with 2 towers, while (s)he puts up 4 devourers and make you quantaless...

Usually slow and harmless, but rage quit potential.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: BC on October 14, 2010, 11:07:21 pm
Most annoying one for me is the one that tends to use fractal on arctic squids, the  :water/ :aether one. Been trying to test some tourny decks on lvl3, and boy that guy just won't have it.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: 9jacob4 on October 15, 2010, 12:58:00 am
i relly hate :entropy becuse of discord
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Niveous on October 24, 2010, 02:51:32 pm
When I was grinding out electrum with my fire deck, I despised  :earth more than you can imagine because of those dang earthquakes.  :water wasn't nearly as much of a problem as it is now though xD
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: ddevans96 on October 24, 2010, 03:04:40 pm
Entropy/Darkness, hands down. Chaos Seed always seems to lobo or kill a vital creature.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Kuross on October 24, 2010, 04:54:42 pm
Having spent MANY games vs L3, I will say, hands down, :entropy  is the worst to fight for me. I sepnt a lot of time grinding with life rush and :entropy  was the worst one to have to fight on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: n1nja-tweak on October 24, 2010, 06:53:44 pm
i dont like the  :entropy :darkness combo with the devurers and discord messing with ur quanta and the lycans to do heavy damage and the maxwell's demons for cc and the dissipation shield to black all ur attacks

 :P :P :P :P i still beat the  :darkness :entropy combo though
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Coolredsmart on November 16, 2010, 05:19:55 am
I hate  :water/ :aether and  :water/ :death. I find myself losing to them 9/10 times. >.<
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: KorabanVII on November 16, 2010, 05:29:02 am
I hate the  :water :death lvl3 the most. Poison goes right through my Phase Shields and I have no Creature Control. Ice Shields freeze my Aether Dragons and I have no Permanent Control. So basically if they get a lead and an Ice Shield it's gameover.   :(
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: BC on November 16, 2010, 02:21:01 pm
Having spent MANY games vs L3, I will say, hands down, :entropy  is the worst to fight for me. I sepnt a lot of time grinding with life rush and :entropy  was the worst one to have to fight on a regular basis.
Now that I spent some time grinding L3 with popular life rush and my own divine glory em'er, I can sympathize with this one, although :water/ :aether remains one of the most annoying. Ice shield seems to have redacted the additional text that says "when AI plays this card, attacking creatures have 95% chance to freeze"
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Falcon4415 on November 16, 2010, 02:57:23 pm
As a fire rush grinder, I find  :water/ :death and  :water/ :aether easy to outrush, and I don't usually have problems against ice shield, due to having PC  :P.
However, I find  :entropy/ :darkness most displeasant  :P.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: Kuross on November 16, 2010, 03:01:05 pm
Having spent MANY games vs L3, I will say, hands down, :entropy  is the worst to fight for me. I sepnt a lot of time grinding with life rush and :entropy  was the worst one to have to fight on a regular basis.
Now that I spent some time grinding L3 with popular life rush and my own divine glory em'er, I can sympathize with this one, although :water/ :aether remains one of the most annoying. Ice shield seems to have redacted the additional text that says "when AI plays this card, attacking creatures have 95% chance to freeze"
lol, yeah, I feel ya! Ever notice how those ice bolts almost always freeze your creature? AI got hax I tells ya!

As for playing against :water/ :aether even though it may be slow going, I've noted I've lost against :entropy a lot, LOT more than any other element with life rush. Most of the tims it's either due to Discord, or Devourers, or Dissipation shield or any combination thereof. Those Werewolves sure don't help when there's as many 6|6 beefies on the Ai's side of the board as there are 5|5 on mine.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: EvaRia on November 16, 2010, 03:40:32 pm
Ya, the Entropy one is killer when you use low hp creatures ><

The  :water :aether one is really annoying, sure, but it will find itself making stupid mistakes a lot. Like Fractaling Squids.
This gives you a bit of room, and also much of the time that dragon just doesn't com out, making it one of the more profitable AI3s.

 :water :death on the other hand is just plain difficult.
Title: Re: Most Despised Level 3?
Post by: stereosound on November 16, 2010, 03:42:05 pm
Worst is definately  :entropy /  :darkness , if you don't get pilars and they get a devourer they'll likely outrush you with lycans, and its the hardest to aEM with life rush due to its heavy hitters