This deck looks good and seems balanced. It appears to be very fast, but it includes enough control to slow the enemy down. There is, as with any deck, room for improvement.
The parasite is slow and ineffective in a rush. Remove it, and use the death quantum for arsenic. With no darkness quantum a lycanthrope would be great; replace it for the chaos seed. If you want you can pick up a forest spirit over the freeze, but either will work. As said before, photons are better than sparks because you will often have more photons than immolations in your starting hand. If you play a photon it will do 1 damage a turn and still be there when you draw an immolation for it. If not, it will only draw out CC that would be more effective on something else. Overall,
-6 Sparks
-1 Parasite
-1 Chaos Seed
+6 Photons
+1 Arsenic
+1 Lycanthrope
This should overall increase the speed and damage at a slight loss of CC; it is worth it. Reverse time, and to a lesser extent, black hole will severely hurt your deck, but there is nothing you can do against those.