Well from your observation, i won every Osiris stalling. Permafrost shield + 1/2 sog = win
Gemini is actually quite stupid sometime, early butterfly or eternity ensures you a win if you know what you are doing. If you are not dying, dont eat the phase spiders without momentum, so when he put dragon out, they dont get momentumed...
Decay, try to set up while having like 10 cards or so left, rewind when you have 3 time quanta, dont wait for the quanta to stockpile, can be hard, I totally agree
One of the gods you want to hope to kill him before he kills you
I never ever has problem with elidnis, he quint his big creature, since the smaller ones if he didnt quint you eat (talking about froest specs). when he TU, he dont have much he can TU. Leave an oty open too for him to TU, that usually does the trick
My current verdict is that not one deck would be able to handle the Gods horribly effectively anymore. It takes a significant amount of luck to get a consistent win rate using smallish decks. It seems to me that the Death Nymph deck that Yala is working on has better promise, as well as the RoL-hope deck and fatter Timebows. While I agree the Gods should be hard, this is just ludicrous. They are not as affected by the changes in quanta costs for cards than players are.
We'll see. I suppose I'm still improving slowly over time with handling the deck, but it is still being very frustrating luck-wise for me. Sometimes I'm 1 quanta short of using a Miracle. 3 turns straight. -.-"
Well, that situation can be frustating, but then i have alrdy learn to let myself just move on quickly to another game and forget about how I lost, that usually help
I am sure there are better decks for everyone suiting their playstyle, so I wont judge which one is better then which or is super effective against ALL gods.
ROL-hope is kinda boring personally because since fractal came out, everyone flooded and made one of those, I really think that already makes the deck boring, besides its not always so effective, since even with 6/7 dragon out, a standard 30 card version can still deck out. Overall the win rate might be about the same, but the gods you can kill are more limited.
Regarding to the death/air nymph one. Trust me, its really really fun. But having said that, alot of people wont see those pair of nymph for a long time.