I also like this way of stopping these guys
Eat bloodsuckers and vampires, don't worry about graveyards, eventually destroy his eclipses if you can, but it's not necessary. Permafrost reduces 23*4=92 damage to 23*2*47%=21,62 damage per turn on average... not counting those vampire stilettos you can destroy.
I even sometimes do it against Fire Queen too, though you have to be sure she is not going to firebolt you next turn.
My deck has rain of fire, so bam! they are all dead, as long as the queens are eaten.
But having said that, my deck has less healing so I have to watch out even tho this way of stalling reduces alot of damage
So far I'm really liking this deck so thanks for sharing Yaladilae. I can actually farm half-bloods with it and actually make a stab at false gods from time to time. The main problem I'm having is time quanta. I don't abuse the hourglasses really, but I just can't seem to deal out the damage before I deck out which means eternity use. I can get a good 4 or 5 reverses to keep me alive , but the quantum towers just aren't enough to keep that 3 time quanta refilled every turn.
I don't know if I've just been on a bad streak or not, but I"ve been in situations wthout using any time quanta except for Eternity (6) and 1 hourglass down (4) but no actual usage of the hourglass for a total of 10 time quanta used. All my other elements have high 20's of usage, my time quanta is sitting down there with only 3 or 4 quanta with only 3 or 4 draws left. Its just so frustrating to have the game in the bag with my FFQ and Oty and then deck out because my eternity ran out of batteries 
Please someone reassure me this is just a fluke and I'm just having a bad run here. This is easily my 10th game where I would've won if not for the lack of time quanta
I think you are just unlucky. Most games when I draw my last card, I have 15 or so time quanta.. With 8 pillar, that never made me deck out. Prehaps upgrade your eternity since it cost less.
The only chance I ever deck out is when Eternity is last card or when I have to rewind over 8 time, then the quanta becomes harsh
Two tips:
Dont use eternity's effect on the FG unless you have to (e.g huge grown lava destroyer, momentumed massive dragon)
During deck out, rewind your spare oty first, so your firefly stay in play and you kill the FG faster