Not really agree because:
the deck is supposed to fuel itself by its own, so immortals, high hp, or growing creatures are not a problem.
Sure one can and you should use opponent creatures too, but it's meant to be done on your own.
Other things:
This deck it's equally good against pestal as much as dischole as, again, you won't need to kill oppo creatures mandatory and even if quanta drained the deck needs just a turn with 2 novae to perform the whole combo as all the sacrfice creatures cost 1 and the rest is free except for dry spell.
Premise: it's always a matter of knowing how to play a deck more than pure matching.
-RoL hope, not the best deck to face with this actually.
-Mono aether, again i won't need oppo creatures mandatory.
-Mono gravity, look aether + gravity shield won't block my dragons.
Man, ofc one may customize the deck how one like or think it's better, even i play many decks i posted differently from the original project, but this is meant to be, the spirit of a ccg if you want.
EDIT:PvP counters, bah, i see a lot of snova bows, rushes and some prick playing swallow and few monodarkness. Not that many people playing stalls, otks or so