Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Deck Ideas => Post Deck Ideas Here => Rainbow Decks => Topic started by: linkfung on September 07, 2010, 07:54:10 am

Title: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 07, 2010, 07:54:10 am
I have added this deck to wiki for a while
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 71a 74d 74d 74d 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 7tg 7tg 7tg 808 808 808 808 80b 80b 80b 8pj

?? = Voodoo Doll

The aim of this deck is to be quick (yes! not only win quick, you lose quick  :D) against false god, while at the same time, it is fun.
For most decks out there which against false gods, you have a full table of creatures, and it is actually very laggy for slower computers, moreover, the game always last very long.

I have just finished writing up the individual strategy against each god.
http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/anti-false-gold-voodoo/ (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/anti-false-gold-voodoo/)
Please make sure you read the guides before using the deck, the strategy is far different from what you use when playing normal decks.

I am going to investigate further on using Improved Antimatter with the deck to see if it increase the winning rate~

Alternative Build
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 74d 74d 74d 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 7tg 7tg 7tg 80b 80b 80b 80e 8pu

?? = Entropy Quantum and Voodoo Doll
Thanks to many people's suggestions, and I have tested it out for a few games, and I found that it works quite good as well.

Video added, click below to see this deck in ACTION!

stat for the test I run on 21 Sept 2010, 40 total games (using Aether Tower Deck)

False GodWinLose
Gravition 11
Rainbow 03
Neptune 11
Eldinis 11
Hermes 13
Morte 01
Eternal Phoneix 02
Obliterator 12
Octane 02
Paradox 30
Decay 03
Miracle 11
Divine Glory 12
Dream Catcher 02
Seism 10
Osiris 10
Destiny 10
Scopio 01
Gemini 10
Total 1426
Percentage 0.350.65
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Higurashi on September 07, 2010, 11:07:15 am
Well, I can certainly see that Arsenic getting stolen/exploded a lot. Only a problem when stolen, of course. Other than that, it's indeed pretty quick to play in theory. It's just that it takes a bit of time to calculate when to TU. Still probably pretty fast. It's also a fun strategy.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: linkfung on September 08, 2010, 02:06:59 am
Well, I can certainly see that Arsenic getting stolen/exploded a lot. Only a problem when stolen, of course. Other than that, it's indeed pretty quick to play in theory. It's just that it takes a bit of time to calculate when to TU. Still probably pretty fast. It's also a fun strategy.
You are right, instead, stolen has no huge problem at all, as voodoo + basilisk blood can stop weapon with ease. However you still get 4 damage + 1 poison, but not that important in this quick strategy.
Instead Arsenic is added recently after some testing, actually it works very well with the deck, there were several times I missed the kill by opponent having less than 20 life when I didn't have Arsenic, there are many tools you can add to help with these, but weapon seems to be best, you can add any damage source instead. Also arsenic helps quite a lot especially when you face false gods with feral bonds, doing much better than other weapons.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Higurashi on September 08, 2010, 06:44:37 am
Aye, it only works against you when stolen. It's useful in more cases than it's not, I certainly noticed that. I also noticed I like having 4 TU's. :D
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: pookie1337 on September 08, 2010, 07:58:44 am
Awesome, fun stuff.

Put it on CRACK
Code: [Select]
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 71a 74d 74d 74d 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7tg 7tg 7tg 80b 80b 80b?? x4: Entropy Pendulum
?? x3: Voodoo Doll

Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 08, 2010, 08:01:47 am
Hmm I really like that idea, though you do lose the stall of the sundials. I'd probably switch at least 2 of the precogs to sundials, as sundials still provide the deck lessening effect, but they just are 1 turn slower at doing it. Also I presume the first ? ??s are entropy pendelums. Similar usage to my quantum towerless speedbow :P.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: pookie1337 on September 08, 2010, 08:04:12 am
Yeah, that's exactly where I picked up the idea, Nume :).

I loved how fast that deck shat damage onto the board, rofl.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 08, 2010, 08:13:10 am
If I had more of those cards upgraded I'd love to try this... I may have to save some money up and give it a shot :P.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 08, 2010, 08:49:02 am
Lol I had more of this upped than I thought, so I went ahead and tried it. I had a horrible FG rotation for the deck, but I have to say when it works its hilarious :P. For example, against incarnate I was only able to get 1 TU, but I drew every bb so I did 126 damage with that one tu lol (and he was lower hp due to poison and such so easily 1 shot). Or against Fire Queen when i did 150 damage with 2 TU. Definitely a funny deck to use, and games are quite quick.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Fallower on September 08, 2010, 03:37:37 pm
Eh, a better deck name would have been nice. :)
But I've tried the deck and its really fun. :D I think sundials are better than precogs; stalling is beneficial to this deck, what better than to lower the number of cards in the deck at the same time? An electrocuter seems much better than an arsenic though... to remove momentum and stuff? Also, it won't affect you much if the opponent steals it... Replacing a sundial with a mirror shield may also help...
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 08, 2010, 06:18:15 pm
Eh, a better deck name would have been nice. :)
But I've tried the deck and its really fun. :D I think sundials are better than precogs; stalling is beneficial to this deck, what better than to lower the number of cards in the deck at the same time? An electrocuter seems much better than an arsenic though... to remove momentum and stuff? Also, it won't affect you much if the opponent steals it... Replacing a sundial with a mirror shield may also help...
I actually use the version with the entropy pendelums, with 3 sundails, no precogs, 1 electrocutor, and an extra TU (no arsenic). Seems to work better imo.
Title: Re: Use Voodoo against False Gods
Post by: linkfung on September 09, 2010, 03:29:03 am
Eh, a better deck name would have been nice. :)
But I've tried the deck and its really fun. :D I think sundials are better than precogs; stalling is beneficial to this deck, what better than to lower the number of cards in the deck at the same time? An electrocuter seems much better than an arsenic though... to remove momentum and stuff? Also, it won't affect you much if the opponent steals it... Replacing a sundial with a mirror shield may also help...
Maybe someone can think of a better name for this?  :P I have used up my creativity  :D

Also feel free to adjust according to your needs, I have added some possible cards you may want to switch with the deck in the Wiki.
E.g. electrocutor, and more TU
However I found myself always meet quantum lacking issue, that's why I just keep it simple in the deck posted.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Fallower on September 09, 2010, 04:34:06 am
I actually use the version with the entropy pendelums, with 3 sundails, no precogs, 1 electrocutor, and an extra TU (no arsenic). Seems to work better imo.
Sounds good, but the sad thing is that the deck is really too dependent on the supernovas. If you dont get them within the first three turns you have to discard. :( If you add entrophy pendulums you'll have to hope for both the pendulums and supernovas, which may be a little risky? But the additional aether quantum allows for the electrocuter I guess, I'll test your deck a bit...

Maybe someone can think of a better name for this?  :P I have used up my creativity  :D

Also feel free to adjust according to your needs, I have added some possible cards you may want to switch with the deck in the Wiki.
E.g. electrocutor, and more TU
However I found myself always meet quantum lacking issue, that's why I just keep it simple in the deck posted.
xD The poor false gods are being laughed at now. Something like Voodoofying False Gods mebbe? I'm not good at thinking up names either.
Your wiki is really good, looks like you took a lot of time to write it. I liked the 'friend' thing you used, it was quite funny. :P I guess the deck really needs more quantum because it relies mainly on supernovas... you need at least 2 to use the combo effectively, which is sometimes hard to get. I can't think of many cards which would help this deck now, but its still currently a good and fast god killer. :D
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 09, 2010, 05:20:31 am
I actually use the version with the entropy pendelums, with 3 sundails, no precogs, 1 electrocutor, and an extra TU (no arsenic). Seems to work better imo.
Sounds good, but the sad thing is that the deck is really too dependent on the supernovas. If you dont get them within the first three turns you have to discard. :( If you add entrophy pendulums you'll have to hope for both the pendulums and supernovas, which may be a little risky? But the additional aether quantum allows for the electrocuter I guess, I'll test your deck a bit...
It doesnt actually increase waiting much, because with the auto mulligan your chances of getting a first turn pendelum are over 90 percent. Honestly if I dont start with a pendelum, unless its a super easy god I just quit, because its not worth waiting. As far as the snovas go, yes you do need one early but with 6 in deck you get that pretty often generally. Also, just 1 is enough to power almost everything you need for a good while, so its not as bad as it seems. The only need for more is to speed up aether gain and to let you play extra voodoo dolls and more than 2 basilisk blood (which you do eventually need but not early).
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: jmizzle7 on September 09, 2010, 05:42:09 am
Why not run with both Precogs and upped Sundials? I dunno, just a thought.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 09, 2010, 07:49:28 am
The biggest issue is just space in the deck. You could increase the size and do that, but I'm not sure that would be very useful in the end. Pretty much every card in the deck is necessary, with the only negotiable ones being the time, and sundials seem better suited than precogs for this deck imo bc the stall is very useful and the 1 turn delay before negating the card draw isnt much of an issue.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: jmizzle7 on September 09, 2010, 08:05:23 am
Yep, I tested it a bit more and came to the same conclusion. The ability to rip through your deck is nice, but the ability to not die is even better (imagine that). :)
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: linkfung on September 09, 2010, 08:38:37 am
Yep, I tested it a bit more and came to the same conclusion. The ability to rip through your deck is nice, but the ability to not die is even better (imagine that). :)
Yes, actually Sundials are useful because they save your life for one round (if not destroyed), which gives one 1 draw for the next round, and 1 draw from the ability, which is a total of 2 cards drawn
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Nume on September 10, 2010, 04:19:36 am
Yes sundials still provide the same feature as precogs as far as giving you the same draws as if you hadnt drawn it, but its just delayed one turn. The stall makes it worth it though in this deck, especially since you have no attacking creatures and thus the stall never hurts you.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Fallower on September 10, 2010, 07:54:10 am
But the sad thing about sundial is that its the only permanent able to be targeted by fgs besides your pendulums. Enemies like Hermes and eternal phoenix suddenly become much harder if you're unlucky. I've been using this deck in trainer so far but I'll try making it in the game now. :D Hope fully I'll be able to find some new combinations. :s
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Baily18 on September 11, 2010, 09:57:36 pm
I like it. Keeping stats. As of now i noticed,
Decay, Dark Matter, and Scorpio are autoquits
Rainbow is fairly easy
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Fallower on September 12, 2010, 02:56:39 am
Scorpio is actually quite easy too, provided that you use your sundials early.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: linkfung on September 12, 2010, 03:02:22 am
instead, vs scorpio would depends on his early cards, if lots of poison is infected, it would be difficult, otherwise, it could be quite easy
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: squishyone on September 13, 2010, 07:18:56 pm
I've been monkeying around with this deck idea in the trainer and tried a few different variants. Looking at an 8% win rate against FGs in the primary posted format. Not much of a deviation from that with some mods done to the deck. Highest win rate this morning was 9.5%.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Fallower on September 14, 2010, 05:40:01 am
O_O 8%??? Are you sure you're playing it right? I got around 30%...
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: squishyone on September 14, 2010, 02:01:03 pm
Oh very sure. 3 wins, 37 losses with the deck as listed.
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Fallower on September 14, 2010, 03:06:20 pm
You have to use the sundials late in game, Basilisk blood mainly when the opponent has a weapon or you're ready to kill the opponent, PU when the voodoo doll is low on health and youre absolutely sure you can kill the opponent. Are you sure you played it right? o.o
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: squishyone on September 14, 2010, 03:27:58 pm
Yes that is exactly how I played the deck. I just went through 10 losses in a row with this deck as it is listed.

Okay, I finally won a game against Neptune with this deck but the win rate for today so far is 7.69%
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: linkfung on September 14, 2010, 04:09:30 pm
Yes that is exactly how I played the deck. I just went through 10 losses in a row with this deck as it is listed.

Okay, I finally won a game against Neptune with this deck but the win rate for today so far is 7.69%
It seems you are a bit out of luck.
Anyway, I have added a video on how to use this deck in order to clear some confusion, and to help people who may not be interested to read through my notes.
In the video I played 4 games in a row. Luckily I won 3 of them, and the remaining one is almost win

Hope that helps
Title: Re: Curse and Laugh at False Gods
Post by: Baily18 on September 14, 2010, 06:27:14 pm
I've been monkeying around with this deck idea in the trainer and tried a few different variants. Looking at an 8% win rate against FGs in the primary posted format. Not much of a deviation from that with some mods done to the deck. Highest win rate this morning was 9.5%.
Youre not playing it right, or you are really unlucky with your matchups.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 16, 2010, 10:51:29 am
You changed the name again!
You can also post the deck http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10973.12.html here so it doesn't die. :P
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Seravy on September 16, 2010, 12:44:32 pm
Tried this in the trainer and noticed how playing a twin universe on a doll fails to copy the Gravity Pull status on it, making the copy useless. Even when I play an additional Gravity Force on it, by some miraculous bug, the gravity force from the other doll instantly disappears.
Yay for cards doing random unexpected stuff AGAIN.

And yes, I know that the opponent will take damage if you copy a doll with less than full health, which I also found strange and unreasonable.

More importantly...how am I supposed to kill a god with this if they heal back the same as the damage they do by having more feral bonds than the creatures they play have attack... same question for gods using Miracle...or am I supposed to win by making 3-4 copies of a damaged doll and abuse that bug?

Oh well, I think this deck is not meant for me.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Higurashi on September 16, 2010, 01:03:38 pm
That's because Gravity Pull can only be inflicted on one creature per side at a time. That's not what you TU it for; you TU it to instantly do the damage the original doll has already suffered. For instance, Basilisk Blood on a doll a couple times, it loses 80 HP from Gravity Pull, you TU it, FG loses 80 more HP.

PS, it's not a bug. Yes, you preferably kill them in one turn.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 16, 2010, 03:38:14 pm
You changed the name again!
You can also post the deck http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10973.12.html here so it doesn't die. :P
haha, changed the name as I found I don't like the old one :P
thanks for your suggestion, just posted the deck there
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Seravy on September 18, 2010, 07:53:11 am
That's because Gravity Pull can only be inflicted on one creature per side at a time.
Is that a game rule? Since when? Why? Whatever.
This makes Gravity Pull waaaaay less useful as a way to protect yourself, then.
Imagine having 2x Armagios, and an opponent with 50 total damage from creatures, and you having 15 life... Thanks to this stupid rule, you'll die even if you could otherwise handle the damage for a turn which might be enough to win.
Yes, it's easier to code this than a way to distribute damage amongst multiple creatures with gravity pull properly, but come on! Game rules shouldn't be decided based on what is easier or harder to code, it should be decided based on how it plays better and how it is easier to understand and more logical.
Besides, with this kind of behavior, if my opponent plays a Gravity pull of his own on one of my small creatures, he can bypass my armagio/doll whatever I want to take the damage, and kill me. (Not with this deck, but in one that has other creatures he could)
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Nume on September 18, 2010, 08:25:41 am
The reasoning is that gravity pull redirects attacks onto oneself. Thus if a 2nd creature uses/receives gravity pull after the first does, they redirect attacks from the first one onto themselves. Only one target can be receiving attacks at any one time.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 18, 2010, 09:16:41 am
You changed the name again!
You can also post the deck http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10973.12.html here so it doesn't die. :P
haha, changed the name as I found I don't like the old one :P
thanks for your suggestion, just posted the deck there
You posted the first version! xD

But anyway, if gravity pull could split the attack equally, it'll be very difficult to counter, since the opponent needs to kill more than one target in order to damage the player; EG You have to rewind all gravity pulled creatures instead of just one.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Higurashi on September 18, 2010, 09:43:36 am
That's because Gravity Pull can only be inflicted on one creature per side at a time.
Is that a game rule? Since when? Why? Whatever.
This makes Gravity Pull waaaaay less useful as a way to protect yourself, then.
Imagine having 2x Armagios, and an opponent with 50 total damage from creatures, and you having 15 life... Thanks to this stupid rule, you'll die even if you could otherwise handle the damage for a turn which might be enough to win.
Yes, it's easier to code this than a way to distribute damage amongst multiple creatures with gravity pull properly, but come on! Game rules shouldn't be decided based on what is easier or harder to code, it should be decided based on how it plays better and how it is easier to understand and more logical.
Besides, with this kind of behavior, if my opponent plays a Gravity pull of his own on one of my small creatures, he can bypass my armagio/doll whatever I want to take the damage, and kill me. (Not with this deck, but in one that has other creatures he could)
Yes, it is. It's worked like that since the status was invented as far as I know. Why? Because it makes sense. Gravity Pull is both a defensive measure and the single most powerful way of destroying one creature. Imagine two or more creatures having gravity pull. Either the enemy's creatures would be hovering between the two, making them useless, or the gravity pull would be too weak to stop anything, and the creatures would attack the elemental.

I don't think it has anything to do with coding. It'd be easy to add another target, but that's not how the card is supposed to work. Mainly because it would be a bit too powerful as CC if it did.

Yes, he could change the GP target if he needed to. Costs him a card, and would rarely be a scenario where it matters. Also never seen CPU do that. I think they're pleased as long as one creature on your board is GP'd.

On the flip side, I actually find it useful when it comes to defence. It means you can switch between Armagios without killing one of them when it's low on HP. With Guardian Angels/Archangels, you can then heal the one that's lower on health. Had both kept the GP status, the one with lower HP would have been lost forever.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Baily18 on September 18, 2010, 02:28:07 pm
:P i havent been able to play much, so these are the stats i collected so far:
Decay 0-2(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 2-2
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 3-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 0-1(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-0
Paradox 2-0
Gemini 0-2
Eternal Phoenix 0-2
Destiny 1-1
Fire Queen 0-1
Morte 0-1(Stupid Miracle.)
Neptune 0-2
Octane 0-1
Obliterator 1-0
or 12/36
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: $$$man on September 18, 2010, 03:28:05 pm
:P i havent been able to play much, so these are the stats i collected so far:
Decay 0-2(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 0-2
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 3-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 0-1(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-0
Paradox 1-0
Gemini 0-1
Eternal Phoenix 0-1
Destiny 0-1(methinks its an autoquit due to rewinds)
or 8/25
for 32% so far
32% is pretty good considering how fast the games are.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Baily18 on September 18, 2010, 09:32:33 pm
^Yeah, and its awesome to do 100 or so damage in 1 TU :D
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Klaymore on September 18, 2010, 11:17:00 pm
After some trying I have to say it is quite a funny deck to play  :)) , but it happens quite a lot that a vital part of the combo misses with only 3 gravity pull, 3 dolls and 3 TU..
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 19, 2010, 03:30:36 am
The sad thing is that the deck gets boring after a while, since you're essentially just doing the same combo over and over again...
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Baily18 on September 19, 2010, 12:48:05 pm
^ everything can get boring after playing with it alot. FG decks usually use the same combo, for rainbows its generally Druid+ Boneyard+Otyugh, for RoL Hope its Fractal/RoL/Hope/Elec, etc :P
Edit: Updating stats. :P 32% atm
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 19, 2010, 02:18:09 pm
:P i havent been able to play much, so these are the stats i collected so far:
Decay 0-2(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 0-2
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 3-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 0-1(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-0
Paradox 1-0
Gemini 0-1
Eternal Phoenix 0-1
Destiny 0-1(methinks its an autoquit due to rewinds)
or 8/25
for 32% so far
AI will not rewind voodoo doll at the moment, at least 100% no if your voodoo doll is stopped (with basilisk blood)
the only effect which AI will use on stopped voodoo doll at the moment is Improve from what I know
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 19, 2010, 02:20:42 pm
You changed the name again!
You can also post the deck http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10973.12.html here so it doesn't die. :P
haha, changed the name as I found I don't like the old one :P
thanks for your suggestion, just posted the deck there
You posted the first version! xD

But anyway, if gravity pull could split the attack equally, it'll be very difficult to counter, since the opponent needs to kill more than one target in order to damage the player; EG You have to rewind all gravity pulled creatures instead of just one.
O, I intentionally put the first version. Instead I haven't fully tested the new version yet (only tried less than 10 games), I just put it there for an official alternative such that people can try it out  ;D
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 19, 2010, 02:26:04 pm
The sad thing is that the deck gets boring after a while, since you're essentially just doing the same combo over and over again...
Instead this hand is slightly "better" than other anti FG decks in terms of less boring, there are still games which I found I can make better choices (earlier/later TU/sundails) which can actually make me win a game which I lose. However, this is also meaning that it is difficult to use the deck in the best way, haha  :P
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Baily18 on September 19, 2010, 02:58:02 pm
AI will not rewind voodoo doll at the moment, at least 100% no if your voodoo doll is stopped (with basilisk blood)
the only effect which AI will use on stopped voodoo doll at the moment is Improve from what I know
Really? :O Mine got rewinded o.0 Anyways the version im testing with is the first deck +1 Mind Flayer(Helps alot vs DC and if gotten out early can probably stall destinies Eggs and Druids.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 19, 2010, 02:59:40 pm
Not with the rewind spells anyway... If he has an eternity he may rewind the card...
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 19, 2010, 03:14:53 pm
Not with the rewind spells anyway... If he has an eternity he may rewind the card...
Eternity was stopped by basilisk blood, so I dunno whether he would rewind me with it if I didn't
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Baily18 on September 19, 2010, 10:32:25 pm
^ Hmm... After more testing it seems that Destiny rewinds the un gravity pulled Voodoos, but not the buffed up ones. Maybe because it sees grav pull as a negative effect?
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 20, 2010, 04:00:32 am
^ Hmm... After more testing it seems that Destiny rewinds the un gravity pulled Voodoos, but not the buffed up ones. Maybe because it sees grav pull as a negative effect?
Yes, seems so~
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Baily18 on September 20, 2010, 08:30:19 pm
These are my stats,
Decay 0-3(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 2-3
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 4-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 2-2(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-1(everything i needed, except voodo in that loss)
Paradox 2-0
Gemini 0-2
Eternal Phoenix 0-3
Destiny 1-1
Fire Queen 1-1
Morte 0-1(Stupid Miracle.)
Neptune 0-2
Octane 0-2(autoquit)
Obliterator 1-0
after some frustation from a bunch of bad draws and matchups, i suddenly started to win more again :P
Some things i noticed:
sometimes you have to discard a few cards
you need about 3 super novas to fuel
better to go second it seems
Mind Flayer can help alot sometimes
keep a basilik for weapons(made this mistake a few times)
once you start that combo there is no going back, so make sure you can deal enough damage.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 21, 2010, 12:01:53 am
I usually autoquit when I don't get a pendulum on the first 2 draws. xD
Or when my hand if clogged with gravity pulls. D:
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 21, 2010, 02:04:05 am
These are my stats,
Decay 0-3(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 2-3
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 4-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 2-2(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-1(everything i needed, except voodo in that loss)
Paradox 2-0
Gemini 0-2
Eternal Phoenix 0-3
Destiny 1-1
Fire Queen 1-1
Morte 0-1(Stupid Miracle.)
Neptune 0-2
Octane 0-2(autoquit)
Obliterator 1-0
after some frustation from a bunch of bad draws and matchups, i suddenly started to win more again :P
Some things i noticed:
sometimes you have to discard a few cards
you need about 3 super novas to fuel
better to go second it seems
Mind Flayer can help alot sometimes
keep a basilik for weapons(made this mistake a few times)
once you start that combo there is no going back, so make sure you can deal enough damage.
Thanks a lot for providing us with stat
I am not sure whether you have visit my page in elements wiki (which I have mentioned in my post), I have posted strategies like keeping basilisk blood etc.
Also I found that there is 2 "Gravition 0-1" in your list, should it be 0-2 or duplicate counted?  :D, just FYI
Maybe I would try to record my win/lose stat as well later (I have played elements for a few weeks ;))
Instead for gods like Incarnate, Gravition, there are god-specific tactics which you can adopt, which I have included in my wiki page as well.
(according to a friend of mine, he found the winning % quite high against Gravition, due to the specific tactic)
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: harry959 on September 21, 2010, 02:53:09 am
Looks like an interesting deck idea, but please, does there have to be a new rainbow deck every few days? I can see why Zanz is upset about how rainbows have taken over the game.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 21, 2010, 03:21:10 am
:/ Its not that new, and you shouldn't just come here and degrade his idea because its a rainbow.

Oh, and octane shouldn't be an autoquit, hes quite easy if you spam sundials to draws all your good cards and let the eagle eyes attack the voodoos. Just make sure you have a good hand with a pendulum and a supernovas at the start.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on September 21, 2010, 05:55:30 am
Looks like an interesting deck idea, but please, does there have to be a new rainbow deck every few days? I can see why Zanz is upset about how rainbows have taken over the game.
haha, I agree, it is a pity that rainbow decks have taken over the game, however most colors do not have enough self-synergies, especially against false gods. Also it is due to the powerful cards like Nova/SuperNova, Shards, Quantum Tower.

I think it is the game which suggesting us to go multi-color, e.g. I dunno how to run an effective voodoo deck with only 2 colors~
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Fallower on September 21, 2010, 09:44:07 am
lets see..
Basilisk Blood needs :earth
Voodoo doll needs :darkness
Twin universe needs :aether
Gravity force needs :gravity

D: There's no choice but to make this deck multicolored!
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: artagas on October 13, 2010, 10:03:36 am
Hey, i just tried this deck a bit in the trainer and its really a lot of fun. My winrate was around 30% which is i guess OK, altough i was doing more with other upped decks.
I have particularily a hard time vs:
- anybody who can do momentum, unstoppable etc. they just go right through my doll and kill me before i can do enough harm with the combo.
- mass posioning, scorpion mostly
(and yeah i did read the strategy for each guy on the wiki page)

My question is if this deck would work partially upgraded? Like say 10 upped cards, or 8.
What would be the minimum number of ups to make it effective? Which would be the first cards you up?
Thanks for advice.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: twinsbuster on October 13, 2010, 10:17:55 am
must upgrade: SN, BB, then GF
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Higurashi on October 13, 2010, 11:47:28 am
It would work with just the novas and some Basilisk Blood upped, yes. Go Novas, BB, Gravity Force, pillars, Parallel Universe.
Of course, being slower to set up would be disastrous in many matchups for this deck.

I think it is the game which suggesting us to go multi-color, e.g. I dunno how to run an effective voodoo deck with only 2 colors~
If by effective, you mean able to take on Fake Gods with a decent win ratio, then yeah, that's not feasible. Outside of that, Rage Potions work splendidly with these guys, and so do Parasites (need :death, but only as Mark, so that's a mono).
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on October 17, 2010, 09:02:39 am
Hey, i just tried this deck a bit in the trainer and its really a lot of fun. My winrate was around 30% which is i guess OK, altough i was doing more with other upped decks.
I have particularily a hard time vs:
- anybody who can do momentum, unstoppable etc. they just go right through my doll and kill me before i can do enough harm with the combo.
- mass posioning, scorpion mostly
(and yeah i did read the strategy for each guy on the wiki page)

My question is if this deck would work partially upgraded? Like say 10 upped cards, or 8.
What would be the minimum number of ups to make it effective? Which would be the first cards you up?
Thanks for advice.
My personal suggested partially upgraded deck in wiki - which is 5 supernova + 2-4 Basilisk blood
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: linkfung on October 17, 2010, 09:04:44 am
It would work with just the novas and some Basilisk Blood upped, yes. Go Novas, BB, Gravity Force, pillars, Parallel Universe.
Of course, being slower to set up would be disastrous in many matchups for this deck.

I think it is the game which suggesting us to go multi-color, e.g. I dunno how to run an effective voodoo deck with only 2 colors~
If by effective, you mean able to take on Fake Gods with a decent win ratio, then yeah, that's not feasible. Outside of that, Rage Potions work splendidly with these guys, and so do Parasites (need :death, but only as Mark, so that's a mono).
To combo with parasite, seems it is much better if using a pure poison deck (why use 2 cards to do something which can be done with 1?)
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Higurashi on October 17, 2010, 11:00:57 am
For two reasons: Parasites are good for CC, and therefore have multiple uses, and Voodoo Dolls are durable. Hard to kill.
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: toriii13 on October 20, 2010, 08:31:33 pm
Could this deck be used for pvp2 by any chance :p
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: lalfyre on January 17, 2012, 12:59:00 am
Does this work unupped?
Title: Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
Post by: Poker Alho on January 17, 2012, 01:09:42 am
ever considered using unstable gas? seems good to combine with the dolls plus 20 dmg taken out instantly is always nice