With pen and paper I recorded 84 games against FGs using the original supernova version. I may not have played every game perfectly, but I did my best and Voodoo Bravery isn't that complicated (if you can do simple math in your head). I never quit early, just in case (in fact, I even tried the skip gods).
Here are the somewhat disappointing stats I managed to record:
FGs faced: 84
Wins: 30
Cards won: 6!
Losses: 54 (incl. 4 skips)
Losses due to not drawing a needed combo card before death:
no doll: 15
no SN: 4
no GF: 4
no Pend: 3
Akebono win 1 loss 1
Chaos Lord win 1 loss 2
Dark Matter SKIP 1
Decay win 1 loss 2
Destiny SKIP 2
Divine Glory win 1 loss 1
Dream Catcher
Elidnis win 2 loss 1
Eternal Phoenix win 0 loss 1
Ferox win 1 loss 3
Fire Queen win 1 (EM!) loss 3
Gemini win 2 loss 1
Hecate win 0 loss 2
Hermes win 2 loss 4
Incarnate win 2 loss 5
Jezebel win 2 loss 1
Lionheart win 0 loss 1
Miracle win 2 loss 3
Morte win 3 loss 2
Neptune win 0 loss 3
Obliterator win 4 loss 1
Octane win 0 loss 5
Osiris win 0 loss 3
Paradox win 2 loss 1
Rainbow win 2 loss 0
Scorpio win 0 loss 2
Seism SKIP 1
Serket win 1 loss 2
So, obviously my biggest disappointment is: 30 wins and still only 6 bloody cards won on the spins!
Apart from that, the deck is cool, another great idea. Also fast and easy to use (if you can do a bit of maths in your head). But it is pretty fragile. The classification in the opening post declares some gods as being easy - well, in reality none are easy, because there is always the chance you simply won't draw a much needed card. Looking at the 15 out of 80 games (minus the skips) where I didn't draw a doll I'd probably want to include a third one in the future. Though that would increase the chance of not drawing one of the other cards.
Mind you, those stats don't even tell the whole story. Even drawing the doll or gravity force at the last moment wouldn't have saved me in some games (due to momentum, poison, etc). If I had instead recorded "not drawing a doll/GF in time to win"... well, that would pretty much account for all the losses, I guess. Apart from: Reverse time, Decay never playing the eclipse, Chaos Lord with an early discord keeping entropy below 2 the whole time (happened once), too much poison, too much direct damage (siphon life, etc) and of course too many momentumed creatures. My best win rate was vs Obliterator, but the one loss was due to all his creatures getting momentum.
Before I used the SN version I played the nova version for 54 games. 16 wins, 38 losses (incl. 5 skips) - and including an unfortunate run of 17 games with only losses and 2 skips. Here I at least won 6 cards from just those 16 wins. However, a generally lower win rate (16/54 = 29.6%, 30/84 = 35.7%). Here I didn't record whether cards came up in time, from memory: In a sense it is more stable, you are more likely to get a doll out in time (you have 3 instead of 2 dolls in the deck). However, it is often lacking in just a bit of earth quanta to play enough BBs. I could imagine that a mixture of novas and supernovas might make for better results (see Branden's post, he used 1 SN and 5 novas).
Oh, and I'd classify Octane as a skip. It's difficult enough to win using Voodoo Bravery without all those unstable gases. All my losses were resounding.