Also, one FG that you won't win against is Neptune, with his congeal-->shockwave combo
Neptune is easy, he only uses his congeals/arctic squids/shockwaves on unprotected dolls. A doll in a time bubble (from basilisk blood) is only considered a target for the AI for 2 spells: Reverse Time and Mutation (and Fallen Druid/Eternity/Crusader with Eternity endowed). Just make sure you only play your doll with a basilisk blood the same turn and you should be fine. Without eclipse on the field, you dolls don't have an attack value, meaning they still aren't very likely to be targeted, but you can use additional dolls to lure out some spells, to clear up the opponents hand (to start casting Shards of Bravery). With Eclipse on the field an non-delayed doll becomes a 'threat' and will be targeted even more, especially useful against incarnates Parasites: put out a second, unprotected doll and start stacking some poison damage.
On the Shards of Bravery, I find them to be a huge improvement over the old precognitions: with a higher drawing potential, you can not only reduce your effective decksize, you can also collect MORE cards, which makes it easier to make the combo succesful. Of course, with only 2 dolls and 2 gravity pulls you will find yourself in situations where a card is buried deep in your deck, but that is just the price you pay for a speedy deck like this. I did do a slight modification though: I'm playing with 5 shards and a 3rd doll, simply because a hand full of shards and BB/Gravity Pull means you can't do anything. An additional doll increases the chances to get one early, meaning you can clear up your hand a bit (Doll + BB is hardly ever targeted like I said, and if it is, getting the combo out is pretty much impossible anyway, because in that case it would have just been targeted later). As for giving the opponent (I use it against false gods), a card advantage, playing your shards in a smart way can help to minimize his options. Easiest example: If you play a shard when your FG opponent has 6 cards in hand, than yes he will draw 2 cards, but you just clogged his hand, meaning he won't draw anything at the start of his turn. Thus the net effect isn't an increased amount of draws for the opponent, he just got his 2 cards half a turn earlier.
In general this would be my difficulty breakdown after a few days of playing this (and a few months or playing Shakar's a long time I ago):
Spoiler for "Special - Can be devastating, unless you adapt":
Akebono - Watch out for Chimera, he will play one as soon as the yellow damage indicator covers you full hit points bar. Put out a doll with BB and GP as meatshield, and use your Twin Universe to turn his hardest hitting critter against him (with a single BB to render to stop the creature from doing more harm).
Graviton - Again, use a doll just as meatshield, and turn one of his own (momentumed) creatures against him.
Gemini - Probably the hardest of these 4, momentum + TU spam can make for a huge burst. Either go with the normal tactic of doll + PU, or just use the doll as additional HP and beat him to dead with his own cards (but make sure you copy a momentumed creature, or his phase shields will make it useless).
Obliterator - Same as Graviton. He usually burrows his Shriekers as soon as he can, so if you want to copy one of those, do it right away. This also means his damage output can DROP between turns, which is always nice.
Spoiler for "Hard - Watch out for certain cards, if they don't pop up, good luck":
Decay - His quanta denial can be a pain, and his damage output 0 for most of the match, or at least, the part of the match where you might be able to play a card.
Lionheart - Give it a try, but skip as soon as his Crusader/Eternity combo gets out of your control.
Octane - Unstable gasses in large amounts are just good game. I try to start the combo as early as possible (don't worry, you don't need many BB in hand right away, flown Eagle Eyes isn't a very rushy tactic), and if he plays enough Eagle Eyes before the 4th/5th unstable gas, congrats.
Osiris - Momentum and Reverse time are you main enemies here, luckily he doesn't have to much of either, and with a single momentum not everything is lost either, just make sure to start the combo with some spare hitpoints.
Scorpio - Physalia's, Pufferfishes and especially Deadly Poison all to ruin your day. Still doable if you start the combo early enough.