This deck is awesome. Much more fun than CCYB and RoLHope -- slower, but a lot more fun
Lionheart's impossible for me, apart from horrible draws on his part and an early Afla on my part. Jezebel, on the other hand, has been beaten pretty consistently -- I think I've won three out of four games so far.
You really only need to meet three conditions:
1) PA her QTs before she can make too many Nymphs
2) Afla a Nymph while she's unCloaked
3) Draw a Shield in time (Jade Shield preferred, but Perma may be safe if she's used most of her's your call. Perma can be better since she'll waste Siphon Lifes, clearing up her hand for a deckout.)
Oftentimes she'll just draw herself to death anyway, if you get early Hourglasses. Try to keep at least one if possible since you'll need to burn through your deck to get the key cards, but her speed-drawing can turn in your favor.

The above was just me being sadistic and waiting till the last turn to OTK her. I could've won with about 6 turns left IIRC. This game she got out a total of five Nymphs btw (including the two who survived).