Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Deck Ideas => Post Deck Ideas Here => Rainbow Decks => Topic started by: Veen on June 14, 2011, 05:43:41 pm

Title: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 14, 2011, 05:43:41 pm
Hello all,

Here I present to you my first FG killer deck: Veens Vicious Viotech, or in short "VVV"

What I like about it is that most of its wins, ~95%, are EM's, so perfect for your score and electrum.

Okay so on to the deck:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
560 5c2 5f8 5op 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 6u7 714 71c 71c 77i 7ak 7ba 7ba 7ba 7gp 7gq 7k6 7k6 7q5 7q5 7q5 7tb 80i 8pj

Basically its built upon one combo to finish of your opponent. The combo is done in this order:

Heal -> Condor -> Fractal -> Rain of fire -> Skyblitz -> Chimera.

Ill say right now, that this is the general combo you want to use. Depending on the life of your opponent, you should sometimes play the chimera first, so you get to fractal another condor. Sometimes you will have to use the Chimerad condors to attack twice, using the heal on your second attack to get the EM. And of course there are times when you need the heal earlier, its not a big deal, the EM is still possible, but it gets a little trickier. You then have to use the ice shield and your antimatters to your advantage.

Be creative, there is room for it.

Before all this you obviously have to play your aflatoxin. Also be creative with this one, you have 2, you can use both and you will probably save enough quanta if you play your draws smart. I advise you to draw like a mad man and slow down towards the end to get the quanta. Use your Aflatoxin to get rid of creatures that have more than 3hp, however sometimes your aflatoxin is burrowed in your deck and you'll want the cells fast. Its hard to give any general strategy, because you have to adapt a lot to the FG you are facing and the game you are playing.

Id say you need between 15-21 death quanta to finish your opponent, depending on how much life he has and the amount of <3 hp creatures he has. If you play the general combo, you need 18 death quanta, which gives you 6 condors. If your opponent has 16 creatures with 3 hp or less out, that means your damage is 17 *6= 102 with skyblitz 204. This gives you an idea of how and when to use it. It also shows the importance of the Vampire Dagger.

Maybe I will post a strategy guide in the future, but for now Ill let you figure the rest out. You do need experience with FG's and you do need to invest some time in this deck, because it will not play itself. That said if you manage to master it, almost all your wins can be EM's :)

Max number of Condors = 7, meaning you will cast your chimera upfront. As shown in this picture: (http://i54.tinypic.com/xapb4j.jpg)

A nice little damage table (its actually quite big :) ), with thanks to Jenkar:
With Rain of Fire, Skyblitz:
Horizontal = Creatures </= 3hp
Vertical   = Condors


Stats time :

  deck     VVV   
  players     Jenkar   
  version    1.285 
  win-rate     40,78%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     40,79%   
  games    206 
  Score/h     471   
  win-loss-(EM)     84-122-(67)   
  Score/h (n)    466   
  time (h:m:s)     12:09:11   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3235   
  min/game     03:32   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3200   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%

  score/h  FGei(c)   Statmasta™4000    wins losses skips EM/Wins
Chaos Lord
Dark Matter
Divine Glory
Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix
Fire Queen
  deck     Veen's Vicious Viotech   
  players     Gumbeh   
  version    1.283   
  win-rate     47%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     n.a.   
  games    100 
  Score/h     505   
  win-loss-(EM)     47-53-(29)   
  Score/h (n)    n.a.   
  time (h:m:s)     06:41:38   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3275   
  min/game     04:01   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    n.a.   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%
  score/h  FGei(c)   Statmasta™4000    wins losses skips EM/Wins
Chaos Lord
Dark Matter
Divine Glory
Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix
Fire Queen
My own unofficial stats:

•   Akebono                            0               2             
•   Chaos Lord                        1               2                   
•   Dark Matter                       1               5                   
•   Decay                               3               1
•   Destiny                             5                  0
•   Divine Glory                      0          4
•   Dream Catcher                  0               6
•   Elidnis                              2          2
•   Eternal Phoenix                 0               1
•   Ferox                               2          1
•   Fire Queen                       2                    3
•   Gemini                             2          1
•   Graviton                           2          1
•   Hecate                             0          1
•   Hermes                            2          3
•   Incarnate                         3          1
•   Jezebel                            1          4
•   Lionheart                         1          4
•   Miracle                             3          2
•   Morte                              4                    0
•   Neptune                          2                    0
•   Oblititerator                    0                     1
•   Octane                           3                 2
•   Osiris                             0                    0
•   Paradox                          5                    0
•   Rainbow                         0                        5
•   Scorpio                          3                 1
•   Seism                            1                 1
•   Serket                            2                 2

50 wins - 56 losses. Though you shouldnt even waste your time with Divine Glory, Rainbow and Dream Catcher. If you take these out, you end up with:

50 wins - 41 losses.

Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Seraph on June 14, 2011, 08:34:45 pm
Why the dagger as opposed to the more popular in FG decks pulverizer
I suppose it is to get that last SoG Effect, but why not use a real SoG, in place of a QT or PA!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 14, 2011, 08:49:22 pm
It has 2 functions:

1: To add in healing (for just 2 quanta, you can play it whenever giving you 6 healing, depending on shields of course)
2: To get some initial damage, which is very useful, if you cant max out your combo at the end. (due to whatever reasons, find out for yourself :))
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Nepycros on June 14, 2011, 09:36:46 pm
Frankly, I'm surprised at the productivity of this deck, and I'll have fun using it in the days to come.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: xn0ize on June 15, 2011, 09:25:43 am
this reminds me off my deck and the condor. ... nothing special in this one.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ralouf on June 15, 2011, 10:51:44 am
Just put a LS to make sure you EM no ?
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 15, 2011, 12:37:13 pm
Just put a LS to make sure you EM no ?
No, because that leaves you with 1 less condor.

@ Xnoize, Its a shame you find it nothing special, I have put a lot of work into it. Maybe you should try it.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Opsinis on June 15, 2011, 03:28:01 pm
Why aren't the first 4 cards upped? Are they better that way (for a reason unknown to me) or did you just not have the electrum needed?

Nice deck, by the way.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Essence on June 15, 2011, 03:54:26 pm
Deck is good.  Slow, with a winrate about equivalent to some faster FG decks, so not going on my list of killer FG decks, but it's quite fun and rewarding to pull off the combo at the end. :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Genuinous on June 15, 2011, 04:04:36 pm
95% EM rate is good, but do you have any winrate??
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 15, 2011, 04:26:26 pm
Why aren't the first 4 cards upped? Are they better that way (for a reason unknown to me) or did you just not have the electrum needed?

Nice deck, by the way.
Thank you :) No I didnt have them upped and since you will always have the quanta to play them, you can leave them unupped.

95% EM rate is good, but do you have any winrate??
I have posted stats at the end of the post.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 15, 2011, 04:28:51 pm
Deck is good.  Slow, with a winrate about equivalent to some faster FG decks, so not going on my list of killer FG decks, but it's quite fun and rewarding to pull off the combo at the end. :)
It looks slow, but really its faster than CCYB, because you can draw heavily.

And thank you :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Genuinous on June 15, 2011, 04:38:15 pm
I meant you should include a winrate separately and not just hidden in a spoiler.... Also if you could organize the table it'd be really helpful :)
The deck looks good and you might suggest it in the FG Efficiency Study (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25609.0.html)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Essence on June 15, 2011, 04:45:15 pm
Deck is good.  Slow, with a winrate about equivalent to some faster FG decks, so not going on my list of killer FG decks, but it's quite fun and rewarding to pull off the combo at the end. :)
It looks slow, but really its faster than CCYB, because you can draw heavily.

And thank you :)

Hmm, maybe I'm just having back luck drawing Hourglasses.  I'll keep playing with it and report back in a few days. :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 15, 2011, 04:47:22 pm
Well, I read about normalizing stats and that kind of stuff and my mind started spinning. I was never really good at statistics, so I just put up the numbers :)

Haha the table is a mess isnt it? Ill see if I can fix it.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Genuinous on June 15, 2011, 05:00:37 pm
Try using STATMASTA (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21654.0.html)
Also you could try and copy the FG sheet and just fill in your results :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Essence on June 15, 2011, 07:33:32 pm
OK, not to be a jerk about it, but VVV has the same amount of Hourglasses as CCYB, but has more cards and a slower kill condition.  There is no "you draw more cards", because on average CCYB will draw their Hourglasses sooner and then reach the bottom of the deck faster because of it AND because of the fewer overall cards.  So, no, this deck is not faster than CCYB.  Both testing and simple observation and rational reasoning bear this out.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: macgawel on June 15, 2011, 08:06:47 pm
OK, not to be a jerk about it, but VVV has the same amount of Hourglasses as CCYB, but has more cards and a slower kill condition.  There is no "you draw more cards", because on average CCYB will draw their Hourglasses sooner and then reach the bottom of the deck faster because of it AND because of the fewer overall cards.  So, no, this deck is not faster than CCYB.  Both testing and simple observation and rational reasoning bear this out.
Testing, perhaps.
But reasoning, I'm not sure...
With CCYB, you have to stop draw cards or you'll deck out. With this deck you don't care about deckout since you want the OTK combo.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 15, 2011, 09:30:01 pm
OK, not to be a jerk about it, but VVV has the same amount of Hourglasses as CCYB, but has more cards and a slower kill condition.  There is no "you draw more cards", because on average CCYB will draw their Hourglasses sooner and then reach the bottom of the deck faster because of it AND because of the fewer overall cards.  So, no, this deck is not faster than CCYB.  Both testing and simple observation and rational reasoning bear this out.
Im sorry you feel that way as it isnt my observation and feeling with the deck and as Macgawel already pointed out, you can continue drawing, thats why. So your rational reasoning needs a bit of tweaking ;)

Also to add, you dont have to use the second aflatoxin, so you discard that.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Genuinous on June 15, 2011, 09:31:35 pm
I suggest a 200 test with recording of length of games (use statmasta)
Instead of arguing about potentials let's see the facts ;)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Essence on June 16, 2011, 04:42:23 pm
This deck is a near-perfect counter to Gemini.  Just saying. :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: einish on June 16, 2011, 06:18:21 pm
great deck wow
I added a four upped Sundials for stalling
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: the_unknown on June 17, 2011, 01:05:54 pm
To me it looks like you could use more death quanta what I'd say is throw in a couple of soulcatchers and also a liquid shadow for better easier EMs
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 18, 2011, 03:55:37 pm
To me it looks like you could use more death quanta what I'd say is throw in a couple of soulcatchers and also a liquid shadow for better easier EMs
I tried LS with when I was tweaking it, but the heal works better. Also soulcatchers are not needed.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: siks on June 24, 2011, 11:48:56 am
Thanks for posting the deck - I had fun with it.
I added a spine carapace and I have the feeling it improved the winrate quite a bit. before I had a couple of games where I got the afla too slow and too many slots were already taken so it helped quite a bit to be able to empty them again.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Calindu on June 24, 2011, 06:02:44 pm
I think you need to change vamp dagger with pulvy/eternity and add in a miracle.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on June 24, 2011, 08:39:22 pm
I think you need to change vamp dagger with pulvy/eternity and add in a miracle.
I have tried both, but the pulvy isnt really needed, since you have a chimera and there arent really any other permanents to worry about. The only one I can think of is the catapults from Osiris, but you would need your pulvy early then, which isnt likely with one.

Also the eternity isnt very useful, since cells are generated at the end of the opponents turn, giving him the chance to play another creature, which every FG does, because they always have the quanta for it. It could be useful vs golems, firemaster and such, ill give you that, but it also uses a lot of time quanta, which is needed for your hourglasses.

Ive never needed a miracle, except in early game, but you wouldnt have the quanta for it anyway.

Come to think of it, I will do a bit of testing with an EE instead of a dagger. *Tested and doesnt work, dagger is the way to go*
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jocko on June 24, 2011, 09:57:04 pm
I like the deck, i've wanted to use vultures for FGs since afla got released. Still, i don't get why not a LS instead of heal.
Chimera + LS is definetly a more secure way to reach the final EM.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Essence on June 25, 2011, 01:41:43 am
Simple -- Heal lets you cast the card before you fractal the condors, which means the difference between 6 condors and 5 condors on the field when you RoF.  If you have only 5 condors down, you MUST kill 19 creatures with your RoF in order to kill the FG (assuming he has no shields).  If the enemy manages to put down only 4 creatures with 4 or more HP, you cannot win if you go the LS route.

The benefit from EMing doesn't make up for the penalty from losing more often.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: the_unknown on June 27, 2011, 04:08:00 am
Simple -- Heal lets you cast the card before you fractal the condors, which means the difference between 6 condors and 5 condors on the field when you RoF.  If you have only 5 condors down, you MUST kill 19 creatures with your RoF in order to kill the FG (assuming he has no shields).  If the enemy manages to put down only 4 creatures with 4 or more HP, you cannot win if you go the LS route.

The benefit from EMing doesn't make up for the penalty from losing more often.
I think you've forgotten chimera passes through shields, it has momentum
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Thiefboy109 on June 28, 2011, 12:26:21 am
I think you need to change vamp dagger with pulvy/eternity and add in a miracle.
I have tried both, but the pulvy isnt really needed, since you have a chimera and there arent really any other permanents to worry about. The only one I can think of is the catapults from Osiris, but you would need your pulvy early then, which isnt likely with one.

Also the eternity isnt very useful, since cells are generated at the end of the opponents turn, giving him the chance to play another creature, which every FG does, because they always have the quanta for it. It could be useful vs golems, firemaster and such, ill give you that, but it also uses a lot of time quanta, which is needed for your hourglasses.

Ive never needed a miracle, except in early game, but you wouldnt have the quanta for it anyway.

Come to think of it, I will do a bit of testing with an EE instead of a dagger.
Just mentioning... you use Eternity on your own creature to avoid deckout.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ralouf on June 28, 2011, 07:24:22 pm
This deck is just pure fun :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Sevs on July 02, 2011, 03:31:42 am
Thank you essence for leading me here. this deck works really well for gold league
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on July 03, 2011, 05:57:02 pm
So far, this deck works FAR better for me when the Oracle shouts "Incoming Scorpio!" than CCYB does. I tweak this deck and CCYB to have 4 purifies when vs Scorpio, of course, but tweaked VVV (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9611.msg385073#msg385073) still works better than tweaked CCYB in my experience so far.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on July 15, 2011, 10:31:33 pm
Doing some preliminary play with your deck to familiarize myself with it before doing a dead run of 100 games. Also, I thought I had all the necessary cards but found I was one QT short, so farming up the necessary cash to upgrade it seemed like an excellent goal for a short practice run.

I feel that my W/L stats can be trusted as the difference between a single QT being a QP shouldn't matter much. However my speed/efficiency numbers should be much better in the real run as I won't be watching Jon Stewart.

  deck     VVV (almost)   
  players     Gumbeh   
  version    1.283   
  win-rate     53.33%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     n.a.   
  games    15 
  Score/h     455   
  win-loss-(EM)     8-7-(4)   
  Score/h (n)    n.a.   
  time (h:m:s)     01:19:14   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    2824   
  min/game     05:17   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    n.a.   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on July 16, 2011, 11:50:13 am
Hey, thanks for the quickstart on this. I was hoping to get some testers on it. And kirchj33 told me he was trying to arrange that.

If you go for the full test, you should defenitely not watch Jon Stewart in the meantime :) Id like to get an accurate test done. Also the QT is important.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on July 16, 2011, 05:31:13 pm
Yeah, that little run got me my last QT. Deck's official nao.

So far in my testing, turn speed (on MY turn) is pretty phenomenal. This isn't one of those decks where you have to make a lot of tough decisions turn by turn. Auto use all your permanents, don't use the combo cards until it's combo time or you're in doodoo and need to try for a 2-turn KO before the FG gets too much more powerful. Mostly you just blaze through your deck with hourglasses until combo time. Sometimes shield choice takes a smidge of thought, but not much.

OTOH waiting for the "fast" AI to think about his clogged hand and field full of cells adds a big chunk of time for many turns in a row.


Testing journal days 1 and 2.
Overall feel: doesn't handle swarmy rushes as well as CCYB, handles them better than most others. The jade shield takes the sting out of several FGs that give other decks a rough time - if you can find it. Very satisfying "boom" sound when the chimera attacks. Often gives you the great feeling of an underdog victory - many turns in a row where the FG hammers on you while you play every card you can to survive, then, WAPOW! No one expects the condor blitzquisition!
Having lots of fun.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on July 27, 2011, 02:16:28 am
  deck     Veen's Vicious Viotech   
  players     Gumbeh   
  version    1.283   
  win-rate     47%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     n.a.   
  games    100 
  Score/h     505   
  win-loss-(EM)     47-53-(29)   
  Score/h (n)    n.a.   
  time (h:m:s)     06:41:38   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3275   
  min/game     04:01   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    n.a.   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%
  score/h  FGei(c)   Statmasta™4000    wins losses skips EM/Wins
Chaos Lord
Dark Matter
Divine Glory
Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix
Fire Queen
Did 100 games with the Viotech. Pretty profitable run overall.

I do not think that Jezebel is an auto-skip. She simply requires different tactics. In my losses against her, I was playing normal VVV, i.e., I was saving up for The Big Combo at the end. However, Jezebel and Lionheart can both be beaten by deckout! It's very tough to do with Lionheart. But it's not tough with Jezebel! Here's the tactic I fleshed out:
Lionheart is much harder and still an auto-skip. When he's down to 5 cards, he will Reverse Time any Antimatter'd creatures or Malignant Cells you've left on his field. It's easier to deck him out if you do not use those cards. If you have to use a couple to survive (likely, due to Lionheart's strong damage), try to nullify them when your Permafrost and other permanents have you feeling safe. In other words, try to undo your AMs with other AMs or Aflatoxin.

He quints too many creatures to be defeated the "normal" way. Far as I can tell, he'll often beat you with raw damage even when you try to deck him out, and your own CC can screw you at the end causing Lionheart to deck YOU out. I pulled it off once, don't recommend it in general, but I'm curious as to whether anyone manages to find a way to defeat him consistently with VVV.

On a completely unrelated note, the attached screenshot shows one of the more entertaining victories I had. Chaos Nuts mutated up an Endow creature, used Endow on my stiletto, and won the game for me. Even with less aggressive Hourglass usage and zero condors, that one little Endowed fella woulda slowly killed his master!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on July 31, 2011, 04:14:38 pm
Hey Gumbeh!

You are totally right about Jezebel and that is a very good strat. I also apply that strategy to decay sometimes. Let him steal my hourglasses and towers and make him deck himself out. I enchant my frost shield. Though I find it hard to accomplish, there are many things that can go wrong...

I have yet to find a good strat on Lionheart, because it seems that he uses different tactics. Decking him out is almost impossible with the damage he can generate. An early aflatoxin helps, but the turtle shield and the fact that he has rewind makes this very hard.

Maybe, but thats just an idea, you could try and get cells on your side of the field. Turtle shield doesnt absorb damage and the fact that he will rewind (make sure your defense is setup first) will prevent you from decking out. Just an idea.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on August 01, 2011, 12:01:01 am
Yeah, Decay is interesting and always different based on your draws. PA Sanc + Jade Shield is awesome if you get lucky enough to swing it, but PA Permafrost + trying to hand off your other perms instead of Sanc does the trick, too. I haven't lost to him yet, but I always feel like I might, especially if he gets an early Eclipse and I haven't drawn a shield yet.

Interesting idea for Lionheart. I gotta try it!

For Jezebel, I've only had 2 games wherein I tried the deckout strat. I enchanted her Quantum Towers and allowed her to steal whatever she wanted. Both times resulted in a win. When you prevent her from making GOOD nymphs by enchanting her land stack, her damage is pretty pathetic IIRC. Jade Shield is definitely good enough, and shieldless is ok, too, as long as you throw your RoF + CCs onto her stuff.

That all depends on draw order, though... with exactly 1 PA, 1 Permafrost, and 1 Jade, you get a different game every time you encounter an FG who is neither an autowin nor an autoloss. I've been thinking about running the numbers with +1 Permafrost (and no other changes), because for most gods, that is the crucial shield to play. And with 2, you can afford to risk one and PA the other when you can. So far the most efficient version of CCYB has 2 Pfrosts and 1 PA... maybe irrelevant to VVV, maybe food for thought.

What do you think? Have you tried adding another Permafrost to the deck? My single victory against Lionheart relied on that Permafrost, IIRC.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 01, 2011, 09:03:17 am
My original version of this deck had 2 permafrosts, but after some testing I have found that 1 Jade shield and 1 permafrost are superior. One of the reasons is that aflatoxin is also a way to decrease the chance of your opponent doing mass damage. In CCYB there isnt. Until now Ive never been outdamaged on my jade shield wishing I had a permafrost. So I would say it isnt needed.

Against Lionheart I have fought him a lot of times trying to get a strategy on him, but never succeeded. Ive had permafrost up, but there isnt really a way to do enough damage to him. I think I won when I drew my dagger early and managed to get like 80 damage on him before I fractaled some condors.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Colossus on August 04, 2011, 07:04:03 pm
Now that was an interesting game to say the least. Thank you for the deck, Veen, it's been more fun for me then any other FG deck so far and hey, I finally got it to beat EP!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 06, 2011, 03:12:32 pm
Will test fully upped.
I'd like a god per god strategy, though  :P
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: BluePriest on August 06, 2011, 03:47:49 pm
The thing I like abot this deck is that it breaks the conventional rainbow fg wisdom of MUST HAVE PULVY/ETERNITY!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on August 06, 2011, 06:29:35 pm
The thing I like abot this deck is that it breaks the conventional rainbow fg wisdom of MUST HAVE PULVY/ETERNITY!
I'd counter that you don't always need Stiletto, and that sometimes Pulvy would help. You can generally manage, though. This deck is very solid as-is. Made me a lot of money.

( +1 Permafrost ) or ( +1 Pulverizer -1 Vamp Stil ) are changes that might produce an interesting, different spread of results, however. Jade shield turns certain gods into a cakewalk if you can draw it, and this deck draws very fast, so there probably isn't an equally-competitive version of the deck with ( -1 Jade ) in it. Probably.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 06, 2011, 06:44:42 pm
My favorite part still is the "badabum" effect of a 288 chimera. <3
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: (...) on August 07, 2011, 07:22:34 am
Very funny deck, i love to kill the AI in one hit :D Also the EM's are always good.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Toxx on August 08, 2011, 08:14:52 am
Seem like a deck to be fun to use because I love aflatoxin but I dont think I FG hunt with it. I might add some tweaks to it. Nice work though
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 08, 2011, 10:45:17 pm
This might prove helpful :
(Max number of Condors = 9)
With skyblitz, chimera, no eclipse:
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Sevs on August 08, 2011, 10:50:45 pm
This might prove helpful :
(Max number of Condors = 9)
With skyblitz, chimera, no eclipse:

How do you get 9 condors with skyblitz and chimera siting in your hand?
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 08, 2011, 10:53:36 pm
This might prove helpful :
(Max number of Condors = 9)
With skyblitz, chimera, no eclipse:

How do you get 9 condors with skyblitz and chimera siting in your hand?
You don't. you draw them through hourglass (and the RoF, too)
Very rare case, but eh!. Also, works vs god with no CC.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Sevs on August 08, 2011, 10:55:41 pm
This might prove helpful :
(Max number of Condors = 9)
With skyblitz, chimera, no eclipse:

How do you get 9 condors with skyblitz and chimera siting in your hand?
You don't. you draw them through hourglass (and the RoF, too)
Very rare case, but eh!. Also, works vs god with no CC.
ok i guess i havent played enough to do that yet
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 08, 2011, 10:57:03 pm
The second is much easier. Did it vs Ferox.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jocko on August 09, 2011, 03:08:00 am
Very useful table Jenkar, Veen should post it on OP.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on August 09, 2011, 10:28:21 am
This might prove helpful :
(Max number of Condors = 9)
With skyblitz, chimera, no eclipse:
God, I love numbers.

Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: kirchj33 on August 09, 2011, 12:20:03 pm
This might prove helpful :
(Max number of Condors = 9)
With skyblitz, chimera, no eclipse:
Sweet!  Just to clarify, columns represent malignant cells, rows represent condors?
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 09, 2011, 12:24:50 pm
To be 200% exact :
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: kirchj33 on August 09, 2011, 12:50:14 pm
To be 200% exact :
  • Rows = Condors
  • Columns = Things with 3hp or less (i'm looking at you, paradox, ferox).
I was really hoping for 300% preciseness, but 200% will do I guess.  Thanks for the nice info!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 09, 2011, 03:08:56 pm
I added a modified table, to the OP, to avoid confusion :) thanks for the numbers Jenkar.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 09, 2011, 03:12:40 pm
I added a modified table to the OP to avoid confusion :) Thanks Jenkar.
Y U No 9 condor? :P
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 09, 2011, 03:14:42 pm
:) Its fun, but it will cause confusion im sure.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 09, 2011, 03:20:23 pm
Interestin', Osiris.

Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jocko on August 09, 2011, 04:54:31 pm
Did you won that one?  :P
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 09, 2011, 04:57:27 pm
Well. Except sundial, SoD and stone skin, nothing stops a 336 attack chimera :P
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 09, 2011, 05:39:23 pm
I see what you did there!! :) its fun to draw remaining cards with the hourglasses and get more condors out :)

Also great job on beating Osiris, he can be stubborn and throw away your antimattered creatures, but Im guessing you got Afla early?

Also satisfying:

Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on August 09, 2011, 05:45:43 pm
So I took this out for a little run in trainer. Lost my first three games: Dark Matter got a Nymph out early, good game. Divine Glory is Divine Glory, good game. And then I lose against Paradox because I never draw an hourglass or a shield.

So I frown, and play a quick game against ai5. Turns out to be Lumiel (mono-light), who I easily EM. Then I go back to FGs, and I get Lionheart.

This was an incredibly weird game. I stopped drawing when Lionheart had 7-8 hourglasses and 25+ cards left, and I had 8 cards left. All 4 of Lionheart's Eternities were in his last 12 cards, and by this point his field is full, so he animates and loses two Eternities. When he has 5 cards left, he gets another Eternity and it obviously sticks. I mostly empty my hand and play 6 condors to stop his scarabs from eating his own creatures.

The result? A 0-card deckout win against Lionheart. Probably the strangest FG match I've played in my life, but it was fun as all hell :)

Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 09, 2011, 05:47:02 pm
Also great job on beating Osiris, he can be stubborn and throw away your antimattered creatures, but Im guessing you got Afla early?
Most important. Use Antimatter and afla on his pharaohs. he starts throwing them, allowing more time before spamming.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Tarsus29 on August 09, 2011, 10:03:14 pm
Really nice deck. Not the fastest or the most effective, but really fun to play ! So far, it's my favorite FG farmer.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on August 09, 2011, 10:16:17 pm
Also great job on beating Osiris, he can be stubborn and throw away your antimattered creatures, but Im guessing you got Afla early?
Most important. Use Antimatter and afla on his pharaohs. he starts throwing them, allowing more time before spamming.
Why ya gotta invalidate my FGei by developing superior tactics?! >:D

As far as I can recall, Osiris has always flung my malignant cells at me, or just rushed me down while I was trying to find my Permafrost. Looks like I beat him a couple times in my stats, though; wish I could remember how it went down. I think I was using the CC cards on any momentum'd creature, instead of saving them all for pharaohs.

OP could stand to have my Jezebel tactics, Jenkar's Osiris, and maybe even ddevans's Lionheart strat (if it holds up in further games). Not all gods call for "Heal -> Condor -> Fractal -> Rain of fire -> Skyblitz -> Chimera." Though it remains to be seen whether those should just be skipped... looking at you, Lionheart!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on August 09, 2011, 11:03:10 pm
I made a couple of plays that probably would have made them game less close. I could have gotten EM if I had not played my stilletto and/or saved my antimatter. Then again I may have also died sooner without them. I also intended for the fractal condors to draw out Rewind, but drawing out Scarabs works in a different way. 

This isn't the best thing in the world to do. If you're not stupid/unlucky like me, you could possibly get a 50% win rate against Lionheart through deckout. Defeating him by sheer damage would also be possible, but only with a prefect draw and early set-up. Slowly, I started to realize that deckout has a higher win-rate when not mixed with any damage strategies.

The revised version of this guide will include what to do with each card for deckout, and more complex strategies that can be used in a good early situation for a riskier challenge. Either way, the games will be relatively long, and most of the time you're probably going to wish you were playing someone else.
Note: I only used VVV a couple times before originally decking out (and constructing a guide) for Lionheart. After a while, I realized the branching strategies had a few holes in them that were constantly leading to my failure. My experience with the deck now is still limited, but better than it was at the original writing of this guide.

Shards/Purify/Sanctuary - Play as soon as possible. Use other cards and Hasten before playing Shards.

Antimatter - Drop on a high ATK creature or Flying eternity, and undo after your defenses are set up.
> Riskier: Lure as many Vader-saders as possible and drop on these instead.

Condor/Fractal -  Pull out very late, with a mostly empty hand, to prevent him from rewinding his own creatures.
> Riskier: Pull out slightly earlier, then drop Rain and allow them to attack over multiple turns.

Aflatoxin - Play early in the game on his creatures to clog his field, and/or very late in conjunction with condors.
> Riskier: Play both early to clog his field, then Rain the cells late game.

Chimera/Sky Blitz - Almost totally useless. If you find a good way to use these to deckout, let me know : )
> Riskier: Sky Blitz can be used with buffed Condors for added damage.

Protect Artifact/Dagger - Play both in conjunction, or Dagger alone once no more Crusaders can be played or used.
> Riskier- Use Dagger to lure Vader-saders for Antimatter, and PA afterwards.

Heal - Use on  your final turn before he decks out, or if you're in mortal danger. Math is important kids!

Jade/Permafrost - Play Jade only if Permafrost is not yet available. Permafrost is much better here.

Rain of Fire - Possibly use only if a few Scarabs have been quinted, to even the process slightly.
> Riskier: Destroy cells late-game after condors have been played.

Hourglass - Drop as soon as possible. Draw one extra card until you have a clear advantage, then draw more.

Early game:
You have to have Permafrost, Shards/Sancs, and Hourglasses out early. These are the major reasons I survived at all. Jade Shield can be played before Permafrost shield for minor defense, but otherwise should be discarded. PA can be used on any permanent, or discarded if need be.

If you draw both Aflatoxins early, you could use them on Saders or the first couple of Scarabs and attempt to fill his field. Slow incoming damage with healing and/or a shield (preferably the latter if not both). If you draw your Dagger before he gets Anubis or :aether for the spell, you can play the Dagger, or save it until later.

Assuming you survive the first few turns, you've likely got your defenses set up and plenty of hourglasses. If you played both Afla, his field will soon fill up, and you actually have a small chance of could executing The Combo, if you're really lucky. This seems like it would be an anomaly though.

If you played Dagger, wait for him to Endow it, and then Antimatter them (or Anubis) for the most possible healing. He also won't rewind anti-mattered creatures, so you want to antimatter one early to stay alive, re-antimatter it late so he quints it, and waste/discard the third.

Sky Blitz should be played as soon as you draw it or discarded, because it's useless if you try to deck him out. Play Purify as soon as you draw it, and Rain of Fire once he has three Scarabs. If you saved your dagger and don't wish to attempt a Vader trick, wait until you draw PA, and play them together.

Late game:
Stop drawing just before the time where he would deck out before you. Keep track of the amount of hourglasses he has every turn. By now you should only have Fractal, Condor, Heal, and possibly Chimera, Dagger, and Aflatoxin. If you still saved your Dagger, play it once his field is basically full and all his Crusaders have endowed themselves.

If you didn't use or discard your Aflas and Chimera, you can try a trick where you create Cells on your own field. If you do this, make sure it's on the same turn you fractal the condors. If you can get yourself a set of Condors (and possibly Cells), you can allow them to be rewound/eaten, so Lionheart is less able to prevent deckout.

Once he has 0 cards left, or 1 cards and 2 spots in hand, play the Heal, and end your turn. You'll automatically win because Lionheart can't draw his required cards. If you succeed in doing all this, and have a good amount of luck as well, you can lulz and watch Lionheart helplessly deck himself out.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 12, 2011, 11:25:57 am
Stats time :

  deck     VVV   
  players     Jenkar   
  version    1.285 
  win-rate     40,78%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     40,79%   
  games    206 
  Score/h     471   
  win-loss-(EM)     84-122-(67)   
  Score/h (n)    466   
  time (h:m:s)     12:09:11   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3235   
  min/game     03:32   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3200   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%

  score/h  FGei(c)   Statmasta™4000    wins losses skips EM/Wins
Chaos Lord
Dark Matter
Divine Glory
Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix
Fire Queen
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: boonlebrack on August 19, 2011, 07:38:53 am
I use this deck since one wekk an it was just awsome !

I modify it like that :

- 1 antimater
- 1 PA
- 1 Vampire dagger
- 1 Purify
- 1 Alfatoxin

+ 2 pulvy (for control)
+ 1 death nymph (good hp, can kill creature you don't have antimatter combo with soul catcher)
+ 1 Tower
+ 1 SoG
+ 1 Soul catcher (combo with death nymph to earn quantum)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on August 19, 2011, 09:35:34 am
I made a couple of plays that probably would have made them game less close. I could have gotten EM if I had not played my stilletto and/or saved my antimatter. Then again I may have also died sooner without them. I also intended for the fractal condors to draw out Rewind, but drawing out Scarabs works in a different way. 

I think I'll run against Lionheart a few times In trainer and see how easily we could make a deckout strategy for him. PPE: Done. Writing up the guide now.

I'd like to add that this isn't the best thing in the world to do. If you're not stupid/unlucky like me, you could possibly get a 50% win rate against him. But the games will be relatively long, and most of the time you're going to wish you were playing someone else.

Here's what I would do with each card in an attempt to deckout Lionheart, with a very abnormal method. (note I've only used this a couple of times before today, so my knowledge on the deck is rusty):

Early game:
You have to have Permafrost, Shards/Sancs, and Hourglasses out early. These are the major reasons I survived at all. Jade Shield can be played before Permafrost shield for minor defense, but otherwise should be discarded. PA can be used on any permanent, or discarded if need be.

If you draw both Aflatoxins early, use them on Saders and attempt to fill his field and prevent incoming damage with healing and/or a shield (preferably the latter if not both). Otherwise you can try to save it for the first Scarabs. If you draw your Dagger before he gets Anubis or :aether for the spell, play the Dagger as well.

Assuming you survive the first few turns, you've likely got your defenses set up and plenty of hourglasses. If you played both Afla, his field will soon fill up and I believe you'll have the best chance to win in this scenario, and could possible execute The Combo if you're really lucky. This seems like it would be an anomaly though.

If you played Dagger, wait for him to Endow it, and then Antimatter them (or Anubis) for the most possible healing. Sky Blitz should be played as soon as you draw it or discarded, because it's useless if you try to deck him out. Play Purify as soon as you draw it, and Rain of Fire once he has three Scarabs.

EDIT: Facepalm. You can PA the Dagger if you can't pull a trick with Anti-Vaders.
EDIT 2: Putting Cells on his field is a poor move, he'll rewind it and keeping playing it, and he won't quint it. Discarding is a better option.
He also won't rewind anti-mattered creatures, so you want to antimatter one early to stay alive, re-antimatter it late so he quints it, and waste/discard the third.

Late game:
Stop drawing just before the time where he would deck out before you. Keep track of the amount of hourglasses he has every turn. By now you should only have Fractal, Condor, Heal, and possibly Chimera, Dagger, and Aflatoxin. If you saved your Dagger, play it once his field is basically full and all his Crusaders have endowed themselves.

If you didn't use or discard your Aflas and Chimera, you can try a trick where you create Cells on your own field. If you do this, make sure it's on the same turn you fractal the condors. If you can get yourself a set of Condors (and possibly Cells), you can allow them to be rewound/eaten, so Lionheart is less able to prevent deckout.

Once he has 0 or one cards left, play the Dagger (if you weren't able to work around Crusaders) and the Heal, and end your turn. You'll automatically win because Lionheart can't draw his required cards. If you succeed in doing all this, and have a good amount of luck as well, you can lulz and watch Lionheart helplessly deck himself out.
This has 2 or 3 semi-conflicting strategies in it...
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 19, 2011, 12:14:12 pm
I use this deck since one wekk an it was just awsome !

I modify it like that :

- 1 antimater
- 1 PA
- 1 Vampire dagger
- 1 Purify
- 1 Alfatoxin

+ 2 pulvy (for control)
+ 1 death nymph (good hp, can kill creature you don't have antimatter combo with soul catcher)
+ 1 Tower
+ 1 SoG
+ 1 Soul catcher (combo with death nymph to earn quantum)
To be honest with you, these are horrible modifications to the deck. Play the original deck and you will come up with much better results (that is if you have the cards)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on August 20, 2011, 03:41:22 am
This has 2 or 3 semi-conflicting strategies in it...
Would you mind pointing them out? I left in quite a few possible branches you could possibly take, I ironed out any actual 'conflicting strategies'.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: gumbeh on August 20, 2011, 05:23:29 am
This has 2 or 3 semi-conflicting strategies in it...
Would you mind pointing them out? I left in quite a few possible branches you could possibly take, I ironed out any actual 'conflicting strategies'.
Rereading it, I see that there were changes between when I had read it and when I finally replied to it. Now I'd say the only "conflict" is that you suggest allowing your dagger to be Endowed early-game, and only later do you mention the (safer) option of PAing it. Maybe write it more like "so, dagger! you have 2 choices!", and less like "btw also, in addition to gambling, you have the option to play carefully".

Veen, I have good news and bad news: I finally played enough games to normalize the stats! Unfortunately, the stats went down because I kept getting rushed, or finding myself with a hand full of end-game cards when I really needed early-game defenses. It may still be possible to hit a fairly high FGei with this deck. Don't be discouraged by the numbers going down a bit. "VVV" is still:

- a VERY fun deck - everyone who's tried it loves the feel of insane OTK massive chimeras and vultures. Some people enjoy "VVV" enough to regularly choose it over a boring deck with better numbers
- a deck that puts out strong, solid numbers for FG grinding - maybe not TOP-tier, but still VERY good

When the data gets adjusted for skips I think it'll pull ahead a bit. How far it pulls ahead depends on how much the other decks benefit from skipping. Here are the new stats. Even if they're not as pretty it's my duty to post them for SCIENCE!

  deck     Veens Vicious Viotech   
  players     Gumbeh   
  version    1.283   
  win-rate     45.99%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     44.82%   
  games    137 
  Score/h     500   
  win-loss-(EM)     63-74-(44)   
  Score/h (n)    482   
  time (h:m:s)     09:16:09   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3198   
  min/game     04:04   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html)    3140   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%

  score/h  FGei(c)   Statmasta™4000    wins losses skips EM/Wins
Chaos Lord
Dark Matter
Divine Glory
Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix
Fire Queen

Full spreadsheet avail here:

Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 20, 2011, 09:04:04 am
Haha, thanks Gumbeh :) For science it is then :) Also may I compliment you on the work youve done for this thread.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Gocubbies1212 on August 20, 2011, 03:35:42 pm
which version of this deck works the best so far?  I'm thinking about selling my CCYB  for it...
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Xenocidius on August 20, 2011, 03:37:37 pm
which version of this deck works the best so far?  I'm thinking about selling my CCYB  for it...
Probably not a good idea - CCYB wins more and is faster.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Gocubbies1212 on August 20, 2011, 03:44:05 pm
which version of this deck works the best so far?  I'm thinking about selling my CCYB  for it...
Probably not a good idea - CCYB wins more and is faster.
yes, but it is unbearably boring...  I havnt FG grinded once since arena came out simply because I'm playing fun decks against it.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on August 20, 2011, 04:01:06 pm
This has 2 or 3 semi-conflicting strategies in it...
Would you mind pointing them out? I left in quite a few possible branches you could possibly take, I ironed out any actual 'conflicting strategies'.
Rereading it, I see that there were changes between when I had read it and when I finally replied to it. Now I'd say the only "conflict" is that you suggest allowing your dagger to be Endowed early-game, and only later do you mention the (safer) option of PAing it. Maybe write it more like "so, dagger! you have 2 choices!", and less like "btw also, in addition to gambling, you have the option to play carefully".
Ah, that makes sense. I'll edit that later then :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jappert on August 22, 2011, 08:14:38 pm
I've only played a few matches so  far and haven't won yet vs Hermes, FFQ and Neptune.

No shields in all of those matches before I could get my combo off is what killed me. I'll playtest some more before voicing my opinion though but I think I'd like some more shields in there!
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Veen on August 22, 2011, 08:42:55 pm
Either bad luck or you playing it wrong :) You have to get a feel for when to play your aflatoxin, its obviously not smart if you have no shields and no big AM'd creatures and you let the cells kill you.

on a side note, hermes is pretty difficult :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on August 23, 2011, 02:53:59 am
My original guide to decking out Lionheart needs major revamps, on further analysis. I would definitely not consider attempting to deckout Lionheart every time you play him, but depending on the early field, it could be a lot of fun (for me at least :) )
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Zerker on August 24, 2011, 01:09:19 am
if you want to deck lionheart out anitimatter the eternity he will still use it as endow target  :P only a small suggestion cause he is playing 2 Flying Weapon but its a hint
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on August 24, 2011, 01:17:35 am
I believe at one point, endowing a creature with negative attack still gave the Crusader positive attack. As far as I know this is still the case, but if you can prove me wrong I'll add it to my guide :)
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Jenkar on August 24, 2011, 08:29:43 am
I know for sure that was wrong at one point, you ended up with -1 crusaders.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Zerker on August 24, 2011, 05:39:26 pm
yes his crusaders was -1 attack
i love your deck thank you for that great thing :))
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Gocubbies1212 on August 24, 2011, 09:09:55 pm
I believe at one point, endowing a creature with negative attack still gave the Crusader positive attack. As far as I know this is still the case, but if you can prove me wrong I'll add it to my guide :)
(http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/6379/elementsq.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/819/elementsq.png/)

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Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Bhlewos on September 21, 2011, 04:13:09 am
This deck is awesome. Much more fun than CCYB and RoLHope -- slower, but a lot more fun

Lionheart's impossible for me, apart from horrible draws on his part and an early Afla on my part. Jezebel, on the other hand, has been beaten pretty consistently -- I think I've won three out of four games so far.

You really only need to meet three conditions:
1) PA her QTs before she can make too many Nymphs
2) Afla a Nymph while she's unCloaked
3) Draw a Shield in time (Jade Shield preferred, but Perma may be safe if she's used most of her Steals...it's your call. Perma can be better since she'll waste Siphon Lifes, clearing up her hand for a deckout.)

Oftentimes she'll just draw herself to death anyway, if you get early Hourglasses. Try to keep at least one if possible since you'll need to burn through your deck to get the key cards, but her speed-drawing can turn in your favor.


The above was just me being sadistic and waiting till the last turn to OTK her. I could've won with about 6 turns left IIRC. This game she got out a total of five Nymphs btw (including the two who survived).
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: onering20 on September 17, 2012, 02:32:52 am
sorry for necromancy but i saw a variant in the oracle false god counters and i would like to know the upgrade path for this deck
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: eaglgenes101 on September 17, 2012, 03:17:38 am
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 6u7 714 71c 71c 74g 7aj 7aj 7aj 7aj 7do 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7n9 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7tb 80i 8pj

This is probably your best bet now that FG's have sped up and SoG's have lost much of their healing. EM's aren't so significant, but if you want them, antimatter the last attacking creature. If you need more initial defense, chuck a QT or a sanct for another antimatter. If you really want those EM's, chuck a sanct for an improved heal.

For upgrade path, you'll want the SN's and the spine carapaces upped before you use the deck (probably with a few more quantum pillars). Then up it in this order: HG's, antimatters, QT's, Aflas (now remove the extra quantum pillars), Vamp dagger, Sancts, Condor, Fractal, Sky Blitz, Chimera, Fire Storm.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: redeyesly on September 17, 2012, 11:31:54 pm
I just played this for a few hours, and the results were not impressive. I didn't keep stats, but I can guarantee intosis, rol/hope, and poison dials all smoke this as an FG grinder. Many FGs outrushed the wimpy sanc healing, bottom decked both aflas a few times, and no anti-mattered creature ever lived long enough to be of much help. And EMs aren't worth much anyway. So if you're upping cards for FG grinding, this would not be one of my top 3 deck choices.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: Chapuz on September 17, 2012, 11:33:58 pm
This deck is a little very very outdated and doesn't work like the pre 1.27 times.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: ddevans96 on September 17, 2012, 11:34:29 pm
I just played this for a few hours, and the results were not impressive. I didn't keep stats, but I can guarantee intosis, rol/hope, and poison dials all smoke this as an FG grinder. Many FGs outrushed the wimpy sanc healing, bottom decked both aflas a few times, and no anti-mattered creature ever lived long enough to be of much help. And EMs aren't worth much anyway. So if you're upping cards for FG grinding, this would not be one of my top 3 deck choices.

Assuming you're talking about the deck in the OP, of course it isn't as good now. It's been quite a while since it was used, and even then it was not absolutely the best grinder.

Read threads and especially timestamps please.
Title: Re: Veens Vicious Viotech/ VVV (upgraded FG Killer, for score and electrum, 95% EM)
Post by: redeyesly on September 17, 2012, 11:39:03 pm
I did read time stamps, thanks though. And I did use eagles' version, -1 carapace -1 sanc +2 imp heal. My comment was mainly for the guy who asked (today) for an upgrade order.