Let me preface this by saying I have used Scaredgirl's Top50 deck and it does work fine. But its usefulness has gone down recently due to the fact that most Top50 decks have sped up their decks and acquired new cards (Quintessence mainly).
Below is a Deck I have been working on that is kicking some serious booty. It is a Variation of CB! AI5 Speed rainbow deck.
STATS from this weekend: 112 wins/28 losses = 75% effective. Some elemental masteries thrown in but this isn't really meant as a money making deck.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5fa 5fa 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 74e 74f 77d 77f 77f 77g 77g 77i 77i 7ah 7ah 7k0 7te 80b 80h 8pj
First thing you might notice is....OMG no Otyugh's !!!
Pretty much every Top50 deck these days consists of Ortaghs, Fallen Druids, and multiple Quintessence. My deck basically ignores the Otyughs since they won't be able to get out in time before I have at least 2 of my growth critters higher than 5 hp. And in the off chance they do get one out early, I have the Heavy Armor or Quintessence to keep me from getting munched on.
Second important change is the shields.
Bone wall doesn't work since there is no Otyugh.
Mirror Shield only costs 2 Light and cannot be stolen by default. It also prevents anyone from attacking your health directly which is very nice vs. some Top50 decks.
The primary weakness of this deck comes from facing someone even faster than you. A fully upgraded Shrieker/Graboid mono deck is still a tough win. But those are few and far between in the Top 50 since most players prefer a Mini-Rainbow.
NOTE: It sucks when I get my ass beat by my own deck.
Other than that enjoy the deck. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.