Couple comments for the first deck posted by acelink:
Why have 2 unupgraded Lava Golems? (unless of course you just haven't gotten around to upgrading them yet)
You've only got 11 cards that can be played for no cost and then only 5 Cremation. I'm curious if you ever run into quanta problems. Wouldn't it be better to maximize your chance of playing cards on the first turn with 6x Nova and 6x Cremation especially when you've got Ball Lightning which only lasts for 1 turn as opposed to Photons which can hang around for a turn or two until you pick up a Cremation.
With Werewolves and Steal both using Darkness, did you ever try Explosion for perm control?
Also, another sideboard card to consider is Mind Flayer, can be used to shut down Otyugh.
Overall this is a fantastic decktype, very very fast and very fun to play. The chance of winning in 3 turns (or 4 turns with an unupgraded version) is pretty awesome too.
Upgraded golems are there if you get 0 cremates... or if turn 1 you have both a golem and a destroyer with cremates 9 fire mana. If I do go 6 cremates, I'll upgrade the remaining golems.
I've been thinking about switching to 6 nova (maybe 6 cremation). Lately I've been on a bad fluke of not drawing anything for the life of me. When I was creating this deck I always appeared to have surplus mana... I still do when I play cpus, just when I start to Duel everything goes wrong... Call it Murphie's Law, but when I start to duel people I either end up with 4/5 cremates or 5/5 golems or better yet 4/6 lightning balls + 3/3 thunderbolt in my hand.
If I were still using Lycanthropes I would not even touch steal. Werewolfs only take 1 black mana so it is not AS bad. I see steal as "clutch" and "Explosion" as helpful. Taking someones Hourglass/Shield/
Pillar is extremely helpful since this deck does not use time, have a shield or generate nearly enough
quanta. It really depends on the deck you are playing... If they are playing sundials, def go with explosion. (In the end, I ended up picking steal because it helps a lot more vs mono-aether decks... they seem to be common in regular pvp. I pvp a lot...)
Problem with Mindflayer is that it too can be devoured by Otyugh and take the mana for Lightningbolts. Lightningbolts seem to deal with Oty's effectively if not protected... Even if they happen to eat one of my creatures and become a 1/6, 1 lightning bolt makes them useless... 1/1 with devour, wheee.
I've seen various differences in peoples pillarless decks. Some go for buffing their golems, others go for more rainbow (entropy mark + supernovas) and some are mono red. I think this is one of the more balanced pillarless decks... Golem buffers generally have nothing but golems to offer and rely on chaos power to give the golem some hp, rainbow has too much variance/free mana/choices and mono red is not ideal (to me).
Golem buffers = put in freeze over lightning (or both)
Rainbow pillarless = idk... shards would help
Pure red = should be fine... lightnings take care of any red creature. Steal for ferinhight (i can't spell).