This deck only uses the creatures of your enemy to win. The trick is to combine antimatter with liquid shadow on a mighty enemy creature.
The creature(s) will heal you and deal the same amount of damage to the opponent.
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4vj 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 7ee 7ee 7gq 7gq 7jv 7jv 7te 7te 7te 7te 7te 7um 7um 80h 80h 80h 80h 816 816 816 81q 81q 8pj
1. Gain enough quanta.
2. Buff the strongest enemy creature with improved blessing and shard of wisdom. Not necessary when the creature is already strong enough.
3. Improved antimatter and liquid shadow on the same creature.
4. Purify if the creature has low HP. Used against poisoning from liquid shadow.
5. Quintessence to protect her. Not necessary when the opponent has no CC.
6. Wait until the opponent destructs himself while healing you.
Points 2. to 5. should be played in 1, max 2 rounds.
It's more a fun deck than anything else, but it works surprisingly well against AI3 to AI4 and strong creature decks.